Example sentences of "[to-vb] the prime [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even before that stage is reached , the Cabinet Office will have been monitoring the progress of the more significant proposals by departments in order to alert the Prime Minister or Lord President of the Council of any wider implications .
2 Clement Attlee and Arthur Greenwood immediately caught the train to London to interview the Prime Minister .
3 He pulled this trick once too often against Debre , and was horrified one morning to see the Prime Minister sitting in the witness box , waiting to be cross-examined .
4 John Cole , the Political Editor of the BBC , commented in February 1985 : ‘ To see the Prime Minister , arms akimbo or leaning far across the dispatch box to bellow into the microphone , is to recall a Belfast working-class politician … who boasted that his Ma could beat any woman in the street .
5 I spent the next few days talking to Cabinet colleagues — all of whom shared my view that the demand was preposterous — and then went to see the Prime Minister .
6 The people are delighted to see the Prime Minister .
7 Massage parlour receptionist Monthira Boonsri , 18 , was grabbed in Bangkok by the demented man , who insisted he wanted to see the prime minister of Thailand .
8 On 24 July the General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress went to see the Prime Minister who said , according to The Times , that he would not intervene .
9 Will he pass on the thanks of those of us who went to see the Prime Minister two weeks ago to ask for his help in the matter ?
10 Is to support and to build up and to bolster the Prime Minister ?
11 In 1977 , at the time of the Bullock Committee on remoulding industrial relations , Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany had been brought in to instruct the Prime Minister , Callaghan , and Britain 's industrial leaders and trade unionists on the need to frame a new industrial climate as a basis for productive growth and a revived influence in the world .
12 The City also believes that the Chancellor has taken some positive steps to implement the Prime Minister 's commitment to encourage the hard-core manufacturing sector of the economy .
13 ‘ I shall have to inform the Prime Minister at once .
14 The large size of the Cabinet ; the increased activity of the state ; and the limited time for " efficient " Cabinet debate , all serve to encourage the Prime Minister to by-pass the Cabinet in favour of informal talks with individual ministers and a keen reliance upon an inner Cabinet of particularly trusted and sympathetic colleagues .
15 We will press creditor countries to accept the Prime Minister 's proposal — the ‘ Trinidad Terms ’ — for a two-thirds reduction in the official debt of the poorest countries .
16 Along with with Robin Harris , past director of Conservative research department , who is joining the Downing Street policy unit , John O'Sullivan , editor of the US National Review and Sir Ronald Millar , playwright , Mr Patten has been helping to write the Prime Minister 's speech for today 's keynote address .
17 ‘ Fortunately Britain can win if we learn from past mistakes , and I would now like to conclude by outlining certain strategic proposals for your consideration , which would put Britain firmly on the upward path to meet the Prime Minister 's long-term objectives . ’
18 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
19 The guests he had assembled to meet the Prime Minister included Lord Salisbury , Anglican and hereditary bearer of the conscience of the Conservative peers , Lord Kemsley , Welsh and nonconformist by origin , portentous press lord by achievement , and the Duke of Norfolk , leading Catholic layman , nephew of FitzAlan , and responsible as Earl Marshal for the organization of the Coronation — if it took place .
20 Don Peters had been pleasantly surprised to find the Prime Minister 's forthright manner lived up to her advance publicity .
21 Note that , as the time available to process the prime record increases , that available to process the overflow record decreases proportionally .
22 Possibly the only person ever to have succeeded in upstaging Margaret Thatcher in a photo-opportunity , Katharine lined up to shake the Prime Minister 's hand wearing a T-shirt declaring ‘ 58 per cent Do n't Want Pershing ’ at a Downing Street reception in 1984 .
23 As i want to be certain of something , I need to know the prime time to apply , to be sure of getting something I suppose .
24 When the Working Group 's names were announced the left-wing press accused Mr Baker and Mrs Rumbold of choosing political appointees to reflect the Prime Minister 's Conservative ideology .
25 In a bid to defuse the protests Roh was eventually forced to replace the Prime Minister [ see pp. 38177-78 ] .
26 As ‘ Red ’ Reg Weston , 78 , a retired Press Association journalist and well-known local Communist Party activist , began to boo the Prime Minister , the ladies went into battle .
27 The challenge with which we were faced on the day of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motion was that we knew that a very full House , which had come to hear the prime minister 's Maastricht statement , would deplete rapidly after he was finished , as the business to follow — a debate on the Earth Summit — was not very controversial .
28 I was pleased to hear the Prime Minister say that there is to be a debate next week .
29 Though he never disguised his leadership ambitions , he continued to deny that it was his intention to challenge the Prime Minister .
30 In our debate on that , the hon. Member for Wealden ( Sir G. Johnson Smith ) challenged me for daring to challenge the Prime Minister about whether the system would work .
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