Example sentences of "[to-vb] the bad [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had assumed his letters were the product of his lifelong rage , the festering cancer of his childhood , driving him into unreasonable behaviour , and a tendency to see the worst in anyone who was a friend of Charles .
2 Certainly American Intelligence was unable to confirm the worst of the fears .
3 With a little judicious handling to hide the worst of the bruising , I think we 'll manage to minimise the impact it will have on the Press .
4 Sir William seemed to encompass the worst of every world , somehow .
5 Editor , — It is true , as James Owen Drife points out , that it has become at least partially acceptable for women to stereotype the worst of male behaviour and make fun of it , but somehow I find it hard to feel sorry for him .
6 The gopher tortoise that lives in the southwestern deserts of the United States needs one as a shelter in which to escape the worst of the mid-day heat and it digs into the sun-baked ground with slow ponderous sweeps of its armoured fore-legs .
7 John Tate , managing director of consultancy Tate Bramald Ltd says : ‘ It is safest to assume the worst of a package until you have confirmed for yourself that it does what it claims to . ’
8 Pain had her in its grip again , but with the help of the black bottles of medicine she was able to conceal the worst of her suffering from her family .
9 The fourth characteristic of each of the three countries is that they have had the luck to avoid the worst of the droughts which have badly affected agriculture and hydro-electric power supplies in many African countries in the 1970s and 1980s .
10 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
11 It was a hard , fast drive through the congested streets , the girl picking her way expertly through the back streets to avoid the worst of the jams .
12 Winter was closing in fast over Europe and , as always at that time of year , he was travelling south to avoid the worst of the weather .
13 Some like to avoid the worst of city centre traffic , while those who work on tidal rivers have to time their sampling to coincide with low water , since many discharges are only accessible then .
14 The buildings of Halfa all face north to avoid the worst of the sun and to catch the northerly breezes .
15 I got Armstrong fired up and headed towards Hackney , using the back streets to avoid the worst of the rush hour .
16 Because it is so rare , most people simply do not know enough about it to avoid the worst of the disease .
17 He would not let Silver and Buckthorn fight alone , but he had felt obliged to leave the worst of it to them .
18 She stuffed her handkerchief into her mouth ; it was large enough to cover her nose and for the faint scent of lavender-water to obliterate the worst of the putrefaction .
19 It is a phenomenon of recoveries that increasing demand for working capital can cause bankruptcies among businesses which have successfully managed to weather the worst of the recession .
20 Donna had managed to disguise the worst of the bruising on her top lip beneath some foundation cream and a little rouge had given at least some artificial colour to her cheeks , but as she pulled down the sun-visor on the driver 's side and peered into the mirror she realized she looked as tired as she felt .
21 Grey-ie sort of colour , with large worn patches … liberally covered in hair oil , and a couple of antimacassars to disguise the worst of it .
22 And , ’ her blush deepened , ‘ you 're obviously determined to believe the worst of me where both Giles and Clive are concerned . ’
23 ‘ You want to believe the worst of me , ’ she accused harshly , no longer caring what she said to him , or how much she was stoking his anger .
24 ‘ Perhaps because it 's so easy to believe the worst of you . ’
25 The aircraft was so silent , the atmosphere so eerie that as the medical team jumped from the ambulance they all began to fear the worst for the passengers inside — that they might not have survived the shock and impact of the crash landing .
26 And among three , to love the worst of all ;
27 To have vague objectives is to have the worst of both worlds .
28 We seem to have the worst of both worlds .
29 ( 1992 ) report that these deficiencies of HMOs were well-known in the DOH , and the fund-holding scheme in Britain was designed to overcome the worst of the problem by limiting the potential risks .
30 Then , finally , in 1662 , he apologetically asked Charles II not ‘ to think the worse of me , if snatching up all the weapons to fight against your enemies , I lighted upon one that had a double edge ’ .
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