Example sentences of "[to-vb] along with the " in BNC.

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1 Also , the pressure on ministers to hustle along with the removal of lead may subside after a general election .
2 Some of the skinheads I 've met admit to having ‘ gone through ’ one or other of the parties of the extreme right , but , after a brief commitment , the enthusiasm tends to lapse along with the membership .
3 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
4 While Judith , Rachel and Karen are sure their partners are happy to go along with the little alterations they try to make , Zelda says that interfering too much can prove to be very dangerous to a relationship .
5 Mr Hussein seems ready , at this stage , to go along with the principle of democracy .
6 It is a mistake , I submit , to go along with the Dominican Matthew Fox in denying the concepts of the Fall and sin .
7 ‘ I said you were crazy not to go along with the Corporation 's proposals , did n't I ?
8 They refuse to go along with the current vogues to which the impressionable Continentals pander .
9 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
10 There could have even been a Spot the Architect competition to go along with the design competition .
11 The subject is under strong social pressure to go along with the hypnotist ; he has agreed in good faith to be hypnotised , after all , and is determined to carry out the hypnotist 's suggestions .
12 Scientists at the Met Office are prepared to go along with the US plan .
13 Surely she could n't be planning to go along with the lies .
14 Or as a laboratory supervisor , who was asked to go along with the manufacture of ‘ doctored ’ data so as to secure a contract deadline put it ( Vandivier 1972:22 ) :
15 Executives who commit corporate crime are not coerced into it , they do not necessarily have to go along with the advice or instructions of superiors .
16 Individuals who are reluctant to go along with the sentiments expressed in a collective discussion may be castigated as unduly kaingli , ‘ jealous ’ , or kongit , ‘ possessive ’ , of their spouses , an infringement of the legitimate autonomy of the latter .
17 While West Germany , for example , was willing to go along with the proposal ( but only if there was a joint system of ECSC subsidy financing ) , the net importers of coal within the Six — France , Italy and the Netherlands — were totally hostile to the notion of national contributions to a joint financing policy .
18 In such an optimistic climate it was easier for national governments and interest groups to go along with the economic ambitions of the EEC ; it was not seen as a great threat to their own concerns .
19 The CPP , which was happy to go along with the election , seems averse to the idea of losing it .
20 He found it hard enough to persuade senior officers to go along with the peace settlement .
21 They go with the will of the people and the will of the people is to go along with the President , I 've been in politics a long time .
22 The growth of the economy — and the problems it caused — persuaded Japanese governments during the 1920s that it was in the country 's interest to go along with the internationalist trend .
23 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
24 Sjahrir was not prepared to cooperate ; the others decided to go along with the Japanese in order to extract concessions from them .
25 She 'd decided to go along with the FBI for a laugh , and because it might possibly help British Intelligence .
26 I now felt far more confident and comfortable knowing that I could refuse to go along with the guards ' antics if they really upset me .
27 It is easier to go along with the false cheerfulness .
28 Or are we going to go along with the priorities that our non-Christian friends have ?
29 However , she was prepared to go along with the advisory teacher 's point of view in the sessions and reassured herself concerning her own fears by using whole-class lessons to reinforce what she felt pupils should have discovered .
30 She says she 's determined to go along with the system , so no one can say she bucked it .
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