Example sentences of "[to-vb] myself in the " in BNC.

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1 I did n't go into the parents ' room but went on beyond it to find myself in the rear part of the carriage , at the very end of the train .
2 When I want to find myself in the dream of the New Look , I have to reconstruct the picture , look down at my sandals and the hem of my dress , for in the dream itself I am only an eye , watching .
3 To find myself in the company of so many eminent , discerning and open-minded independent shopkeepers , affords me pleasure beyond expression .
4 This is why , at the moment , I 'm being a bit cautious about remaining in my cavity I do n't want to find myself in the situation that I 'm held to sell .
5 I gathered my courage , and turned , prepared to look myself in the face .
6 I 'm not sure how long it 'll take me before I can bear to look myself in the mirror again ! ’
7 It was difficult for me to put myself in the Guérigny frame of mind , to accommodate both the knowledge of a beloved 's death and the sense of her imminent return .
8 And that 's I was trying to put myself in the position of before .
9 Dr Myerscough said : ‘ I have tried to put myself in the consultant 's shoes in this situation and I think his apparent instinct that he thought the time had come to induce labour was correct . ’
10 Soon she took my visits for granted and I was given the spare key to let myself in the door .
11 In my first year in a London art school my two major preoccupations were whether you really could see William Turner 's late canvases as a precursor to French Impressionism , and how the hell I could afford to clothe myself in the right gear to make a stunning impact on my new friends at the Gateways .
12 I did n't want to place myself in the hands of someone who might insist on more than I was prepared to give .
13 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
14 And I always seem to poke myself in the eye with mascara . ’
15 ‘ I do n't regret not having much time to pamper myself in the bathroom , as the inclination is n't there .
16 These past five years my pernicious enfeeblement has meant that six months of the year I have had to hibernate , to entomb myself in the disused redoubt beneath Cliff Top , but at last I am free .
17 When I finish playing , I hope to follow Mick Channon into racing but before that happens I have to prove myself in the Premier League .
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