Example sentences of "[to-vb] herself to a " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , she was not inclined to trust herself to a system based on gifts and favours .
2 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
3 In the morning Alix was about to apply herself to a file of Home Office statistics when the phone rang .
4 Belinda did n't know exactly where they were going , and in her five hard-working years in Brisbane had never been through these opulent suburbs before , but in a way it was nicer to surrender herself to a mystery drive .
5 She is already six days overdue beyond the expected date of birth , which was 6 October 1992 , and she has now refused , on religious grounds , to submit herself to a Caesarean section operation .
6 She decided to treat herself to a fig from the bowl and found its skin still damp , as though it had been recently washed .
7 But however much he hated the thought of allowing Sara to commit herself to a man she had never met , he knew her too well and loved her too much to try to keep her at home against her will .
8 It all began when a woman threatened to tie herself to a willow tree .
9 The big machines are only powered by the ratepayers ' money , and that woman who threatened to tie herself to a willow tree represents thousands upon thousands of ratepayers who share her ( and Constable 's ) convictions about the essential nature of a river .
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