Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves from the " in BNC.

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1 Scientists face a constant struggle to segregate themselves from the inducements offered by governments , pressure groups and publishers , all of which may provide alternative sources of funding and prestige to those of their colleagues .
2 Some transracial adopters may prefer to isolate themselves from the cultural background and ethnic origin of their child because it is easier in the short run to escape conflicts .
3 However , it was always possible for the rich and the powerful to isolate themselves from the consequences of industrial growth by moving away from the factory areas to the more tranquil and less squalid atmosphere of the countryside .
4 About ten years later , although the clock said differently , she appeared , eyes trying to adjust themselves from the strong sunlight to the shady cool of the bar .
5 Now , however , many spin silk to conceal themselves from the world .
6 They saw the fascist stewards as the Nazi storm troopers trampling upon liberty and were quick to dissociate themselves from the image which the BUF had gained .
7 Whatever else was said , it was vital for Russian socialists clearly to dissociate themselves from the Tsarist record :
8 The Samaritans petitioned the Syrian king in order to dissociate themselves from the Jews , to be considered Sidonians and to give to their god the name of Zeus Hellenios : " Now you have dealt with the Jews as their wickedness deserves , but the King 's officers , in the belief that we follow the same practices as they through kinship with them , are involving us in similar charges , whereas we are Sidonians by origin , as is evident from our state documents .
9 Unless they dared to absent themselves from the slow unfolding of the plan — would not their keen minds continue to be needed ?
10 He has also observed that an immediate cause of the creation of this new duty of the judges was the royal mandate which ordered the Court of Common Pleas to remain stationary at Westminster instead of perambulating the country in attendance on the King , and the subsequent disinclination of the serjeants , even if they had been sufficient in number , to absent themselves from the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster in order to attend the King 's Court during its perambulatory travels .
11 Mourou , 42 , and his co-signatories apparently intended to disassociate themselves from the pro-Iraqi position of exiled Nahda president Rashid Ghannouchi .
12 There was drill to teach the men to extricate themselves from the several hazards that might be encountered , for the dangers of a night drop over woods or water were obvious .
13 With cries of ‘ oi gevalt ’ and ‘ keender ! keender ! ’ from Mum and Dad and screams of fear from the girls , the three bodies eventually manage to extricate themselves from the floor .
14 TOURING America with your home at your back is a popular option for familes and travellers on a budget who want to free themselves from the hassle of searching for somewhere to get their heads down each night .
15 Mary Daly , in Pure Lust ( 1984 ) , a polemical book subtitled ‘ Elemental Feminist Philosophy ’ which explicitly and insistently refuses to fit the usual categories of what philosophy is supposed to consist of , argues that the passions and their relation to reason must be renamed , and thus reunderstood by women if they wish to free themselves from the constrictions inherent in the male naming of them .
16 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
17 Her hair , red snakes struggling to free themselves from the hairpins , was the only vital thing about her .
18 After them the literary scene in Slovenia throughout the nineteenth century resembles that of many of the small nations of Europe struggling to free themselves from the shackles of the great multinational empires which straddled the continent from Finland to the Aegean .
19 I am sure that he will wish to join me in congratulating the governors , the headmaster and the parents involved in the school on their wisdom in applying for grant-maintained status so as to free themselves from the bureaucracy and interference of the local education authority .
20 However , for musicians to take advantage of such technology , they needed to detach themselves from the conviction that high-cost studio technology and expertise was essential for the production of successful and valuable recordings .
21 The people of Israel are thought of as a people chosen by God who are to separate themselves from the rest of the peoples of the earth by a series of laws that distinguish the holy time ( sabbath ) from profane time , clean foods from unclean foods , clean from unclean bodily states and holy from unholy places .
22 Much to the alarm of narcotics agents , cultivation is spreading as farmers seek cash to protect themselves from the hardships of war .
23 Tying pillows to their heads with towels to protect themselves from the larger falling lumps , they set off .
24 Many of the people are obliged to wear wet handkerchiefs to protect themselves from the strong fumes of sulphur . ’
25 Men , he said , used to approach the nest 60 yards down on a rope , and holding a piked stick in one hand to protect themselves from the parent birds ’ attacks , with the other hand seize the eggs or chicks , the latter was a valued object and the former they could sell for 5/ each .
26 They would need clothing and shelter for the extremes of weather , and weaponry to protect themselves from the wild animals and hostile tribes which roamed the desolate regions they were to visit .
27 Inevitably they led to the totally unnecessary deaths of many pet cats , as jittery owners took emergency steps to protect themselves from the dreaded twentieth-century plague .
28 They do not have to protect themselves from the monster .
29 Only people who could rely on an extended family network could hope to have the friends and connections necessary to protect themselves from the avarice of the sultan 's lesser officials .
30 So the next two days were spent in readying and arming a mixed squadron of available craft , merchanters all , but every one necessarily accustomed to using defensive artillery to protect themselves from the English pirates who infested the Norse Sea .
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