Example sentences of "[to-vb] nothing of the " in BNC.

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1 The leader of the Peronist congressional bloc , José Luis Manzano , claimed to know nothing of the payments which another Peronist deputy , Luis Saadi , described as " odious " as well as being illegal .
2 Next morning he seemed to remember nothing of the night 's experiences , and Tess did not refer to his sleepwalking .
3 The unusual , to say nothing of the bizarre , seems always to lurk close by the main door of Maine Road .
4 The unusual , to say nothing of the bizarre , seems always to lurk close by the main door of Maine Road .
5 To say nothing of the fact that ‘ charity ’ should not have been invoked in this issue , the fact was that the excruciating passion levels broke all records on this outing , bust all guts .
6 A gain of only 39 seats is a sign that , even in favourable circumstances , the Labour Party can not persuade large parts of the electorate that the interests of the homeless , the frail , the old , the sick and the unemployed ( to say nothing of the healthy , the employed and the prosperous ) would be safer in its hands .
7 It has been particularly effective in providing a secure home base for families that have been physically scattered by emigration and it seems quite possible that small-scale farming of this kind may enjoy a new vogue , with the greater appreciation of self-provisioning , especially for fuel , to say nothing of the scenic beauty of the places where it is carried on .
8 A nurse rushes forward tut-tut — tutting , and in the confusion , people bending over and so on , I somehow knock over Stewpid 's orange juice , distributing it quite evenly over him , the nurse and the bed , to say nothing of the chocs , which I 've never cared for much anyway .
9 The parity of esteem , demanded in 1944 between the different schools , was never achieved , and could not have been achieved , given the fundamentally Platonic attitude of politicians , teachers , and the general public , to say nothing of the universities .
10 That might be the motto of the Scottish Health Education Group who not only advertise on television but sponsor a radio soap opera , to say nothing of the Scottish football team .
11 ‘ Not much , ’ he murmured reproachfully , ‘ for nearly three years ’ work , to say nothing of the expenditure . ’
12 The cost to industry is over £250,000,000 each year , to say nothing of the individual 's suffering or loss of income .
13 There are stars galore in the operatic firmament , with , alongside to say nothing of the many famous names featured in the historical anthologies .
14 Indeed many of these individuals know vivisection in great depth , and realise the inadequacies of this line of science , to say nothing of the almost unbelievable cruelty .
15 The relief that chamomilla can bring to the parents , to say nothing of the baby , after a succession of sleepless nights and frantic days has encouraged a number of medical practitioners to look further into this system of therapeutics .
16 Looking back over our century one can not help feeling that despite all the research , the new drugs and the improved surgical techniques , to say nothing of the introduction of health services in many western countries , the health of our societies has declined rather than improved .
17 To say nothing of the desires of the client .
18 To say nothing of the cut-price Caribbean cruise , the satellite-TV dish and the fully computerised Cosworth car at a cool £25,000 from the newly opened Ford dealers .
19 Well , I for one rapidly lost interest in the one-dimensional , monotonous rapping and the constant ‘ Homelessness blahblah AIDS blahblah Poverty blahblah ’ polemic , to say nothing of the music , a nondescript blur of indie-danceisms which needs some offensive noise of the guitar or techno variety to really hit us where it hurts .
20 As governor , Carter had to deal with a one-party , part-time legislature quite unlike that found in larger , more populous states , to say nothing of the United States Congress .
21 The proposals that emerged were different for London , the rest of England , Wales and Scotland : to say nothing of the difficult position which developed in Northern Ireland .
22 Recourse to ‘ subjective meanings ’ threatens to make each action unique , to say nothing of the problems set by asking whether the actors need be conscious of them .
23 Studies by Atkinson and Kincaid in Britain , Harrington in the USA , and official government studies in both countries , reveal a persistent and significant section of the population living in poverty-stricken circumstances at any one time , to say nothing of the many others , who , at certain crucial periods of their life ( e.g. the old , families with young children ) , may temporarily lapse into poverty .
24 We were keenly aware that the local and national authorities , to say nothing of the international archaeological community , would have been horrified by such a spectacle .
25 He lacked the Boswellian charm , to say nothing of the genius , of the Italian , but he was in his alternately gay and lugubrious way better company than Mitford had suggested .
26 Much civility , much comfort ( comfort in France ! ) made every arrangement pleasurable ; and all this without more vociferation or commotion than prevails at Paddington ; to say nothing of the second-class carriage being nearly equal to our first .
27 A yet greater Netherlander , Lassus — much more versatile than de Monte in his church music alone , to say nothing of the secular field , and a much stronger and more complex creative personality — served the dukes of Bavaria from 1556 till his death in 1594 .
28 Whereas Palestrina is almost negligible as a composer of secular music , Lassus was equally at home in the Italian madrigal and the more popular and homophonic villanella ( successor of the frottola ) , the French chanson and German song , to say nothing of the secular Latin motet .
29 Morley , Weelkes , and Wilbye were the outstanding figures of the English madrigal school , but some fine things were also written by Bateson , Benet , Michael East , Kirbye , Francis Pilkington , Ward , and others — to say nothing of the Catholic exile , Peter Philips , who set Italian verse .
30 As for the Seventh and Eighth Books ( 1619 and 1638 ) , to say nothing of the Ninth , compiled eight years after the composer 's death , they contain quasi-operatic ballets and experiments ( 11 ballo dell' Ingrate , Tirsi e Clori , Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda ) , declamatory or melodic solos or duets over repeated or varied basses , with or without string ritornelli , elaborate vocal and instrumental concerti , and the simplest solo canzonette .
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