Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [adj] speed " in BNC.

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1 This is perfectly satisfactory for steady.state operation , but a more Sophisticated arrangement is needed if the system is to contend with rapid speed changes , such as occur during acceleration from rest with light inertial loading .
2 Now was the time for this good man to go with all speed and energy to the aid of his immune system .
3 At this stage of his development the karateka seems to be able to sense the movements of his opponents before they occur , enabling him to react with blinding speed and absolute control .
4 Now here 's the frightening part : not only was this maniac young , fairly tall , immensely broad and strong , and unbelievably savage and violent , but he was also able to run with amazing speed .
5 The Commission has shown that it is able to act with relative speed under this procedure and has taken a variety of actions under it , including ordering a party to supply another party , refusing to allow undertakings to acquire further shares in a company in a takeover situation , ordering the cessation of predatory pricing and an order requiring the execution of a detailed supply agreement under which the Commission was to be notified of any price changes by the offending party or any case where it was unable to fulfil orders .
6 The CNAA hoped ‘ to move with reasonable speed to a situation in which first departments with established academic reputations , and later whole institutions , can undertake the scrutiny of new courses internally , looking to the Council for almost automatic approval ’ .
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