Example sentences of "[subord] primarily a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although primarily a banker ( he became Governor of the Bank of Ireland in 1820 ) Arthur Guinness the second ( 3 ) ( 1768–1855 ) was responsible for steering the company through the recessionary years following the Napoleonic Wars .
2 Although primarily a protein food , cheese has a high fat content and care should be taken when eating if you are following a strict diet for health or cosmetic reasons .
3 Although primarily a disease of young dairy cattle , ostertagiasis can nevertheless affect groups of older cattle in the herd , particularly if these have had little previous exposure to the parasite , since there is no significant age immunity to infection .
4 But , as primarily a meat substitute aimed at former carnivores , the portion in the film-wrapped tray can look pathetically small to a population that has been raised on the traditional four to eight ounces of meat each meal .
5 ‘ If each partner comes to regard marriage as primarily a quest for his or her self-fulfilment , rather than as an adventure in reciprocal self-giving , through.which parents and children grow into maturity , then the outlook is likely to be bleak ’ ( John Stott , Issues Facing Christians Today , Marshalls , 1984 ) .
6 Even those who saw the extension of Moscow 's control over her eastern European neighbours as primarily a response to American expansion objected to the oppressive form of Soviet rule .
7 The principle of deduction is incorporated by seeing empirical investigation as primarily a procedure for testing theories through hypotheses deduced from the theory itself .
8 It saw itself as primarily a teaching institution and Lindop underlined that ‘ we are at pains to ensure that we recruit staff who share our view of the primacy of teaching ’ , and the Polytechnic was requiring new and inexperienced staff to attend an in-service training programme of about 250 hours in their first year .
9 Some have seen apraxia as primarily a defect of execution , others have considered the problem to be one of planning or of conceptual organisation .
10 Even the demand for independence might be advanced as primarily a bargaining counter .
11 Aethelred 's initial acts on becoming king should perhaps be seen as primarily a securing of Mercian border territories .
12 Yet another reason for regarding romantic suspense as primarily a woman 's art ( though I enjoy reading them , and so do many other old male chauvinists ) is that the archetypal situation they describe echoes the situation of women through the ages .
13 Its most notable musical directors — Von Bulow , Richard Strauss ( though primarily a composer ) , Nikisch , Furtwangler and Karajan — remain models on which subsequent conductors have based themselves .
14 This is no exaggeration : though primarily a moralist , Arnold was almost equally a political reformer , and he thought of himself as performing a service to the state .
15 However , Lazarsfeld , though primarily a methodologist , was no mere technician .
16 Though primarily a commentary on Henry II 's government in England , the Policraticus used the terms of Roman law , princeps for ruler and provincia , province , for the area of his rule ; these suggest that John also intended his book to be relevant to France , the land in which he had been educated and to which he was to return as bishop of Chartres .
17 Though primarily a research botanist and unwilling to be distracted by teaching , she gave a course on the ancestry of the angiosperms at the University of London in 1907 .
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