Example sentences of "[subord] the [num ord] century " in BNC.

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1 Derek Fraser 's The Evolution of the British Welfare State ( see n. 9 ) is a good general historical textbook but is stronger on the nineteenth than the twentieth century .
2 This table of the Nations in Genesis 10 can hardly be more ancient than the seventh century B.C. Not much later Ezechiel or one of his disciples included Yavan in the lamentation for Tyre ( 27.13–19 ) .
3 It is unusual to find documentary evidence earlier than the fifteenth century , and extremely fortunate to find actual details of buildings .
4 Presumably they were only here to set the scene for the current convention , as nothing represented a period later than the fifteenth century .
5 The lane came into existence for this special purpose not later than the tenth century : in no other way can we explain its peculiar and limited course .
6 Theoretically , for example , none of the entries in E need be older than the twelfth century .
7 And it struck me straight away that although the twentieth century as it marched on made us look more and more like Americans , we are Europeans , we always have been Europeans , our roots are there , our culture 's there and of course in the late twentieth century our economic needs , and the geographical links , the electronic links mean that we are there whether we like it or not .
8 Although the nineteenth century had seen almost all restrictions on Catholics removed , the loyalists of Ulster still believed that to accept the authority of the Pope was to open the way to papal domination and the erosion of civil liberty .
9 Although the seventeenth century saw the beginning of the end of magic in western society , some credence was still given to the supposed therapeutic properties of certain precious substances .
10 Once the nineteenth century had begun to let Darwin and Biblical Criticism loose on these twin pillars of their ‘ reasonable faith ’ , it proved eminently easy to dislodge .
11 Yet the European political reality until the twentieth century was one of disunity and conflict , culminating in the two World Wars .
12 ( Not until the twentieth century was the office of prime minister to be mentioned in a statute . )
13 The Lords ' remaining authority was in practice to be removed in consequence of the 1867 Reform Act , though not until the twentieth century was the House forced formally to accept its diminished status .
14 In fact , there , that that , that 's that printing of s , that shape of s , followed by a t , was still used by some printers right up until the twentieth century , because it 's actually , you know that when when prints , print was put together by hand , by picking up each letter erm , and as assembling it separately , there was actually always a stop letter , a stop erm , I ca n't remember what it 's called , although I did some printing years ago , erm , lump a die thing with s t already printed together , because because s t is used so much in combination , the erm , printer did n't always have to set up s followed by a t , but had a rack of s t's already prepared and they were often , virtually joined together in this way , and erm , I got , I got an edition of I think it 's the novels of Jane Austen printed in the nineteen twenties which still use that shape of s t but used as the small s for any other forms .
15 Insulated as it was in many ways from the rest of the country , fifteenth-century Sussex developed institutions which dominated its life until the eighteenth century brought other forms of change .
16 Not until the twenty-first century is the proportion of the elderly expected to grow again .
17 The relationship between centre and periphery in the Merovingian kingdom was thus extremely complex , because the connections between the two regions were exploited both by the Gallo-Roman aristocracy and by the northern rulers for their own ends up until the eighth century .
18 If the eighteenth century is often described by architectural historians as the great age of the English house , the Victorian period might equally well be called the great age of the English home .
19 In science as in society there are revolutionary and non-revolutionary periods and , whereas the twentieth century is revolutionary in both , to an extent even greater than the ‘ age of revolution ’ ( 1789–1848 ) , the period with which this book deals was ( with certain exceptions ) revolutionary in neither .
20 Even larger and more impregnable are the immense mural towers at Angers , while the fourteenth century keep of Saumur château rises above the river and the town , dominating the landscape .
21 In the sixteenth century the prevalent Faentine maiolica could not be imitated in Venice due to the nature of the local clay while the next century saw the rise of blue and grey-coloured ware from Benettino and red and white from the Padua region .
22 In the late medieval period , although the sense of unity in the Church was stretched to near breaking point as the upsurge of spiritual enthusiasm from the grass roots which had been fostered by the Church 's own mission for reform since the thirteenth century became viewed as a potential threat by the establishment , there was nevertheless a fruitful tension between individual and corporate senses of identity .
23 The largest cavalry charge on English soil since the 17th century has been taking place to celebrate the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the civil war .
24 The full effects of the theological liberalism which had been at work since the nineteenth century came into their own in the English-speaking world after the publication of Honest to God ( Robinson 1963 ) .
25 The acceptance of such reasoning required Lord Hailsham to address anew the question of the mental element required for lack of consent in rape , since the nineteenth century judges upon whom he relied had never had the matter presented to them in these terms .
26 His emphasis on the growing importance of the ‘ norm ’ since the eighteenth century is one index of the problem .
27 In the long tale of Hungarian literature , not since the sixteenth century has the poet been able to avoid political issues ; they so dominated life .
28 The history of drainage since the sixteenth century has seen the decline of enforced co-operation in sharing a resource , in the face of individual private enterprise .
29 This country really since the sixteenth century has basically been run by five or six people .
30 ( There are differences in degree , for the unprecedented acceleration of Western civilization since the fifteenth century does indeed make all others seem static by comparison . )
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