Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] reach the " in BNC.

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1 News of the men 's golf included Mr. H. le Fleming Shepherd 's efforts in the Amateur Championship at St Andrew 's where he reached the 3rd round .
2 The toilet consisted of a wc and basin , and the room was too small to get a ladder in there , so I reached the ceiling by standing on a chair .
3 My natural instinct once I reached the rather intimidating environment of London was to seek out other lesbians .
4 Once I reached the ski-road I thought I was ‘ home and dry ’ , until turning a bend I was confronted by a bull .
5 Her steps could no longer be heard below , once she reached the corridor .
6 Once you reached the sacristy door at the back of the church , you took off and hid both robe and ring and entered the sacristy as Dame Agatha , the dutiful nun .
7 But in good conditions , once you reach the summit cairn of Bleaklow Head , the highpoint on the western end of the Bleaklow ridge , the section across the drab peaty wilderness towards Alport Low can be quite enjoyable — if you pick a good line .
8 The road that has been made to carry visitors up to it is wide and smooth , the valley of the Arette that you start by following is beautiful , and the scene once you reach the top is by turns surprising , interesting and panoramic .
9 Once we reached the far side of the bridge we went via a very old iron kissing gate into the field which early in summer was always a mass of buttercups .
10 Once we reached the banks of the reedy Frystetjorn Lake , over 1,700ft above sea level , we rested our weary bodies .
11 The driveway was still snowed up , but once they reached the road there was a narrow track between high mounds on each side .
12 Maybe I was hoping for the impossible — that they 'd control their situation once they reached the football stadiums .
13 Once they reached the ground they shook their wings violently , until they fell off .
14 Once they reached the canal bank , however , Robbie had no doubt that she 'd done the right thing .
15 An important part of the treatment of candidiasis is to avoid sugary foods , and other refined carbohydrates ( white flour , white bread etc ) which can quickly be broken down into sugar once they reach the gut .
16 Mobility for women who make up 45 per cent of the labour force involves little choice once they reach the 25–30 age group when they are expected to take temporary retirement into marriage .
17 The spreading technique is not applicable to cells once they reach the metaphase stage .
18 However , once they reach the infective third stage , they are sealed in the retained cuticle of the second stage , can not feed and are completely dependent on their stored reserves .
19 Once he reached the stairs he felt safer .
20 He also had a great deal of ability , but like all the older ones had to leave school and go out to work to help support the family once he reached the end of primary school .
21 It is thought that previously matured vitrinite would begin to undergo maturation again once it reached the maximum temperature to which it had been originally exposed .
22 This way , if I reach the end of the cone without noticing , the cone lifts off the floor and , as it can not possible pass through the tension assembly , I get plenty of warning without having the weights landing on my feet ( ouch ! ) and my knitting on the floor !
23 Or should I perhaps sit down in Salzburg with the empty hope of some better fortune , let Wolfgang grow up , and allow myself and my children to be made fools of until I reach the age which prevents me from travelling and until he attains the age and physical appearance which no longer attract admiration for his merits ?
24 I received with much pleasure the token of your friendship which you have sent me this morning in the way of [ a ] dram Bottle and shall treasure it up until I reach the wilds of the beautiful country I anticipate so much pleasure in exploring .
25 I crept along the riverside until I reached the culvert and hid myself among the banks of sweet cicely to read my book .
26 Should I give up the unequal struggle and wait until I reached the age of 16 ?
27 I tried to look straight ahead until I reached the top , then I entered our attic room and stood there as my eyes accustomed themselves to the dim light .
28 After crossing several fields I turned down to the right to follow a metalled road for a while until I reached the first real treat of the day , the Roman road .
29 I wanted to light a match , but knew there were only four matches left now , and that I must wait until I reached the Bible-box where I could first make a handful of paper spills to keep the flame going .
30 As she ran along the track to the road , she had an eerie sense that she was acting out something she had done before , but she could not pin it down until she reached the road and turned right , towards the village .
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