Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] [vb base] themselves " in BNC.

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1 At its heart lie two raised mires of deep peat , wildernesses of scattered birch , where adders sun themselves among the fern , and amber dragonflies haunt the peaty pools .
2 where women examine themselves erm , if its the mother or the granny er did I bring him up wrongly , erm the girl friends or wife 's er is it something that I did n't understand and at the same time it er really changes their lives
3 Further , once women get themselves into the position of dependent housewives , they have a vested interest in the maintenance of the status quo since it is too late in their lives to think of independent careers , and sexual freedom merely means the freedom for their husbands to seek younger women .
4 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
5 If subroutines call themselves recursively , a stack must be implemented to hold the return addresses .
6 The other alternative is to claim that the very constitution of individuals as intentional subjects serves to legitimate capitalist modes of production , for only if individuals perceive themselves as free agents will these alienating arrangements seem tolerable .
7 If teachers regard themselves as professionally accountable to themselves and their colleagues then they have accepted a commitment to the maintenance and improvement of their practice .
8 In letters to Edward Carpenter written in December 1893 and January 1894 , Robert Blatchford said : ‘ Perhaps I 'm a prejudiced old Tory ; but the whole subject is ‘ 'nasty' ’ to me … if Socialists identify themselves with any sweeping changes in sexual relations the Industrial Change will be seriously retarded .
9 If Snotlings find themselves themselves further than 12″ away from a unit of Orcs or Goblins , and if they can not move to within 12″ of a unit during that movement phase , then they mill around in a confused mass .
10 Parkin asserts that only if women see themselves in non-family terms is stratification by gender meaningful , but he presents no evidence as to what women actually feel in relation to their family or class position .
11 Such an event can take place only if ministers allow themselves to become seriously out of touch with the opinions of their supporters .
12 And because organisms replicate themselves , they could be far less expensive than chemical or mechanical methods .
13 Firstly that they 're more likely to get it , but secondly that that greater likelihood is because women perceive themselves as being constantly dealt with at the on the basis that they are sexual objects .
14 Supporters of this option claim it reinstates the spectacle of demo-cracy , while critics content themselves with pointing out that it is currently used in Iceland , Bosnia , and parts of Turkey .
15 While societies do themselves construct devices for specialising and separating out levels of meaning , this does not mean that they ever achieve in reality the claims that they make about such discourse .
16 Some merely regard their function as a necessary official procedure best conducted with the least possible fuss and difficulty , while others regard themselves as the only impartial authority capable of investigating a sequence of events involving fatality no matter how technically complicated it might be .
17 Should the voters ' verdict prove inconclusive , Whitehall will find itself in a state of unwelcome limbo while politicians sort themselves out .
18 In short lesbians and gay men are assumed to influence young people over their sexuality , whilst heterosexuals assume themselves to be neutral .
19 The word I have here glossed as " mankind " was Jinghpaw , which is the term by which the people known to the British as Kachins describe themselves .
20 As employers find themselves competing for a falling number of young workers , there is a real opportunity to change out-dated and discriminatory attitudes towards older people .
21 Tutors and mentors will wish to examine and introduce professional and ethical issues relating to the Code as and when opportunities present themselves .
22 The metaphor is apt , as Palestinians regard themselves as engaging in a process of giving birth to their independent Palestinian state .
23 As families find themselves giving more priority to fixed costs , spending on other resources is squeezed further .
24 It is no wonder that the profession is held in such low esteem , when accountants put themselves before their clients .
25 Now they have started again , as investors convince themselves that the worst of the recession is over ; as some junk-bond issuers take advantage of falling interest rates and the stockmarket rally to refinance their debt more cheaply or turn it into equity ; and as bond-raiders speculate in distressed companies that they think may restructure themselves or be taken over .
26 As supermodels price themselves out of the market , actresses are open to negotiation — a far better investment , says Glyn .
27 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
28 ( This trend has been so insistent that when men find themselves in part-time work economists have begun to call this the feminisation of labour . )
29 When children injure themselves , it is important that you know how to give the right first aid treatment , quickly , quietly and with lots of reassurance to the child .
30 As humans liberate themselves from the constraints of nature ( scarce resources ) through technology , there comes about a domination of nature .
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