Example sentences of "[subord] [art] decision is " in BNC.

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1 But where the decision is reached on the basis of two quite separate considerations , one which is relevant and one which the authority is not entitled to take into account , the court must decide which was the dominant consideration .
2 Where the decision is adverse to the claimant , information about the right of appeal to the Commissioners must be given .
3 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
4 To maintain this focus , the book does not dwell much on forms of expert determination where the decision is not made by a third party or the decision is interim .
5 Where a decision is made to remit back to the licensing board , the interlocutor should include any specification or modification required under subs .
6 Partly for this reason and partly because of the inherent complexity the partnership agreement itself will rarely include ( at any rate in its main body ) a breakdown of the chosen management structures in full detail , though where a decision is taken on a matter of principle ( eg what matters require the unanimous approval of the partners , how a senior partner should be chosen , etc ) the partnership agreement is the logical place for it to be recorded .
7 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
8 The point is that reasons that could have been relied upon to justify action before his decision can not be relied upon once the decision is given .
9 It may be that once a decision is made to tape the wound , little attempt is made to perform a thorough wound toilet .
10 Once a decision is made it must be communicated in writing to the claimant , who then has three months in which to appeal against it to the SSAT .
11 So , until the decision is made again , it is not possible to say whether the loss would not have been suffered but for the illegal decision .
12 I mean we could all spend all day discussing that particular issue but up until the decision is made and which road they 're gon na go down we do know it 's gon na be banding but on what on what basis is it gon na be ?
13 If the decision is made to continue with a circuit , use a well-banked turn and monitor the airspeed every few seconds .
14 But it is a judgment to be made by him and not by the courts , whose right and duty to intervene arises only if the decision is untenable in the sense that irrelevant matters were taken account of , relevant matters were not taken account of , or that the decision was manifestly wrong .
15 In this case too it looks as if the decision is out of line with the most obvious interpretation of the words .
16 Even if the decision is that the partnership structure continues to be more appropriate , the management processes and incentives exercised by large companies are well worth examining .
17 But if the decision is made to share the same house , and it looks like a viable proposition , then planning should begin optimistically and without fuss , having due regard for the needs of all parties .
18 The approach is to consider each figure in the question and decide whether it falls into one of the four categories — extra revenue , extra cost , lost revenue or saved cost — if the decision is acted on .
19 If the decision is made to stop then the first step is to advise your customer 's buyer of the situation promptly .
20 In a letter to Horsley nine days later he wrote : ‘ I believe that if the decision is made to go the way of the Sun , the tragedy will be of historic proportions .
21 A date should be entered if the decision is deferred , to indicate when this Change Request will next be reviewed
22 If the decision is illegal it can be quashed ; otherwise the court can not ( with one exception ) intervene , even if it thinks the decision to be wrong in some respect .
23 If the decision is so brief as to be inadequate , this may provide grounds for an appeal to the Commissioners , since it will amount to an error of law .
24 If the decision is made to go ahead , the originator enters the group review stage .
25 The argument is that Lord Diplock 's terminology distinguishes more clearly between keeping agencies within the scope of their power ( illegality ) , and ensuring that the agency does not offend substantive principles which are independent of those in the statute , even if the decision is ‘ technically ’ within the scope of the legislative scheme ( irrationality ) .
26 The question does not arise if the decision is forced by circumstances .
27 It is helpful if the decision is approached in the same way , using the same criteria , in all departments , to ensure that all such decisions support company policy .
28 It is helpful if the decision is approached in the same way , using the same criteria , in all departments , to ensure that all such decisions support company policy .
29 But if the decision is made , enough men must be committed to do the job .
30 ‘ Our director 's secretary Campbel Ogilvie is over for the draw and he will stay until a decision is made on the situation . ’
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