Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] the political " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ the inner city ’ may tell us much more about the manner in which an agenda of social problems is set by the combined and unequal influences of a variety of interest groups than about the political economy of cities but its very reproduction in a set of discourses about ‘ the urban ’ guarantees it a status of its own .
2 The main problems in the Volga region , however , lay more in the administrative than in the political domain .
3 There was less scope in the individual section for the organized expression of minority views than in the political affiliates of the past .
4 Although at the political level it would seem that the Keynesian position has been relegated , at the theoretical ( and practical ) level it is maintained that fiscal policy can influence the achievement of the objectives of government policy .
5 Because of the political impasse over the past ten years Cambodia , one of the poorest countries in the world , has received no UN development aid , nor any bilateral or multilateral development aid from the UK .
6 Even specific changes which are beneficial at the educational level may be regarded with suspicion because of the political context in which they were made .
7 One of its senior men recorded in a memo that an official of the Northern Ireland office emphasised to him that the Housing Executive had to do everything possible to prevent unemployment because of the political situation .
8 Because of the political situation , the ferry route had to be up the west coast of Africa .
9 It was contentious , because of the political implications and the potential for concentration .
10 Members in exile have set up committees in Mexico City to carry out the solidarity work they can not undertake in El Salvador because of the political repression , They have made an enormous impact both in El Salvador and abroad .
11 We were bounced into it quickly because there was such a fuss about rates in Scotland and we were bounced without thinking because of the political fuss . ’
12 Because of the political changes wrought in the nineteenth century , they are by convention responsible now also to Parliament .
13 He failed too , removed by assassination ; but the failure goes deeper : Macedon succeeded where the tyrants of Thessaly did not , precisely because the polis life in Thessaly , which on the economic level made possible the rise of a tyranny , prevented one man from imposing his authority permanently like an Archelaos or a Philip ; that was because on the political level the word polis implied what it had not implied in 650 BC : self-determination .
14 The widespread agreement across the electorate on many issues increases the possibilities for voters to shop around the political parties , as well as for the political parties to attract voters who are not traditional supporters .
15 As for the political importance of such a capability , this appeared to be of relevance in the short term mainly with respect to the possibility of American adventurism as long as the USSR could not strike effectively against the United States itself .
16 Well , I , I think I will ask the director of education to comment on that paragraph , because to a large degree , the , the district auditor 's report that he refers to there , in his section , matters previously raised , his report entitled rationalizing primary school education was published in December nineteen ninety- one , and it is being addressed through a , a working party of the education committee which involves representatives from the church as well as of the political groups .
17 Closely connected with expressionism , and hence in opposition to ‘ conservatives ’ like Liebermann , as well as with the political left was Herwarth Walden ( née Levine ) .
18 The opening of Sonnet 148 again criticizes his own powers of sight and discrimination : It is not only a failure in perception : as we have seen in 152 , the eyes were merely agents or instruments of the will or judgement , from which self-deception flowed , forcing the organs of perception to see what they are told to see ( as in the political conformity enforced in George Orwell 's Nineteen Eighty-Four ) .
19 Purity feminists viewed the state as the tool to circumscribe male power in the moral as well as in the political sphere .
20 As to the political secrets that the KGB has gathered by the basketful over the last 40 years , few seem to have made much impact on the monolithic structure of Russia 's political machine .
21 However , Raúl ‘ was excluded from all secret policy planning and decision-making ’ ( Szulc : 1986 , p. 154 ) , and when he joined Fidel 's movement in July 1953 ( primarily , it seems out of loyalty to his brother rather than conviction as to the political correctness of the enterprise ) he did not tell the Communists what he was doing ( Lockwood : 1969 , p. 163 ; Szulc : 1986 , p. 181 ) .
22 The study explores the priority Heads of Government have attached to publicity , and their attitudes to official secrecy and leaks as well as to the political accountability of news media .
23 The crushing defeat of the NDP raised questions as to the political future of Haynes — once commonly described as " the second most powerful man in Barbados " — who was beaten into third place in his own constituency .
24 As the foreign news media speculated as to the political programme of the EPRDF administration ( and recalled in particular some earlier pro-Stalinist utterances of TPLF guerrilla leaders ) , US State Department officials warned on May 29 that future humanitarian aid to Ethiopia would be conditional on moves towards democratization and respect for human rights .
25 The success or failure of such third parties , or more generally of new parties , is affected by many social factors , as well as by the political system itself , including the electoral system .
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