Example sentences of "[vb mod] not forget that " in BNC.

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1 Of course , we must not forget that these are ski resorts .
2 Although the discussion of this process is beyond the scope of this book we must not forget that the whole outline of history is sketched in The German Ideology for two purposes and not for itself .
3 If this anthropological effort is what emerges most clearly from the Formen , we must not forget that it is here , as in all Marx 's work , for a political purpose .
4 Having ranged rapidly through the materials that are datable by TL , we must not forget that it is also widely used in authenticity testing of both ceramics and the casting cores of bronzes .
5 Holmes was addressing those who traced their roots back to the Puritans : ‘ We must not forget that our fathers were exiles from their dearly loved native land , driven by causes which no longer exist .
6 However , one must not forget that there is already an existing decision-making process in every school .
7 However , we must not forget that we are trying to spawn new industrial or commercial opportunities , and although researchers are encouraged to explore the full potential of their ideas whatever the outcome , it must be conceivable that the research could lead to a significant opportunity for investment within a reasonable timescale ; say a decade or so .
8 As well as the stitch pattern areas of the memory having limitations , we must not forget that the console memory as a whole has its limitations of approximately 64,000 bits .
9 As it stands and we must not forget that UNESCO tried something similar some time ago it would appear that purely political motives are making trade impossible .
10 And we must not forget that it is to a Public Relations expert that we owe the invention of traditional Irish coffee laced with Irish whiskey , which nobody will deny is a very great improvement on Irish coffee tout court .
11 Thus in discussing the role of " the teacher " , " the media producer " and " the librarian " , we must not forget that individuals acting in these roles may well have other qualifications and experience in addition .
12 And one must not forget that many of these functions can become dysfunctions , and assume a negative or pathological form : faulty selection , awkward induction , rigid structure , poor teaching , inadequate materials , invalid assessment , and so on .
13 In addressing the inner culture of higher education , we must not forget that inescapably it will and should have some relationship with the culture of its host society .
14 ‘ In the meantime we must not forget that we have tough targets to meet for the current year .
15 In an interview with French radio the following day he said that " we must not forget that this government has a lifespan which may be limited by the national sovereign conference " [ see below ] .
16 However , we must not forget that even in a welfare totalitarianism like Inca Peru the individual still has some sort of rudimentary superego , albeit perhaps only the primitive one of early childhood ; and , furthermore , we must not overlook his explanation of the feeling of triumph present in mania .
17 We should not forget that it was not that long since Samuel Butler had published ( in 1878 ) his famous poem ‘ A Psalm Of Montreal ’ which was evoked by finding that Canadian ‘ philistinism ’ , had removed a Greek statue of Discobolus to a side-room in the Natural History Museum , presently used by a taxidermist , because of its ‘ vulgarity ’ .
18 But nevertheless : ‘ We should not forget that an over-regard for individual liberties can put at risk that sense of order and security without which no community can be truly free . ’
19 But we should not forget that this is the inevitable result of Mrs Thatcher 's much vaunted Law of the Marketplace ( or Jungle ? ) , which has forced producers to be ‘ different ’ , if not better , to catch the highest number of viewers .
20 Finally , the Secretary of State should not forget that parents do not form a uniform , obedient , like-minded body of consumers .
21 This has since expanded into a professionally organised system covering the whole country , but we should not forget that it was Harry Barber who began it .
22 However , you should not forget that there are low-key happenings which can also make excellent video and help in building up to the climaxes .
23 However , whilst it is important to recognize this trend , we should not forget that the family unit still performs most of the caring functions for the majority of older people in modern society .
24 We should not forget that the experience of ageing may well be different for men and women .
25 Although the National Certificate , with its competence-based , internally-assessed modules , has almost become part of the educational establishment now , we should not forget that Scotland led the way in the development of this kind of award and our experience has been drawn on in subsequent moves to make all Britain 's vocational qualifications modular and competence-based .
26 We should not forget that his party voted against a review body .
27 Those who think that the Labour party has become a safe party — a party that it would be safe to elect because it has learnt all its lessons — should not forget that it is a pretty wild dream to imagine that the Labour party would get a majority in the House .
28 ( Indeed , the latter in his resurrection seems to point directly to this alternative , and we should not forget that such a comparatively late example as this had a clear and much earlier precedent in the resurrection of Osiris . )
29 And let's not forget that Waqar shot out the first four England batsmen in the second innings at The Oval with a new ball — and he was scarcely getting it off line .
30 In the realm of the print , however , it is safe to say that paper napkins and chewing gum wrappers occupy the lower depths ( though let's not forget that A. Hyatt Mayor , the legendary Curator of Prints at the Metropolitan , acquired torn-off New Yorker covers for the collection as well as Tiepolo etchings ) .
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