Example sentences of "[vb mod] be thought to " in BNC.

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1 As yet there is no other body to undertake this task , and even tentative moves to remove the problem from the cell block and into the detoxification centre foundered in the entrepreneurial 1980s ; for there is little immediate profit to be made from reclamation of this kind of scrap material ( although the long-term value of a humanitarian return might be thought to be well worth pursuing in a civilized society ! ) .
2 This might be thought to be a good thing .
3 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city —
4 This might be thought to be the ulsterior motive surfacing ; but if so , it has to be balanced by Lewis 's unconquerable distaste for hymns ( not a markedly Protestant trait ) .
5 To illustrate , I will take what might be thought to be an example posing relatively few problems — the case of the Loch Ness monster .
6 Newspaper reports , where a reporter was present at the scene , might be thought to be valuable , but unfortunately it has been shown only too often how little reliance can be placed on them .
7 Librarians recognize the need for an appropriate balance to be maintained within the materials which they make available to reflect differing extremes or shades of opinion on matters which might be thought to be contentious .
8 Palatine consider themselves to be good employers , though their attitudes and practices might be thought to be slightly old-fashioned and paternalistic in that there is no measure of staff performance or formal mechanisms or procedures for staff management .
9 Some of the landowning agencies that are most restrictive are those which might be thought to be answerable to the public , or have their best interests at heart : the Forestry Commission , the Ministry of Defence and sometimes even the National Trust come to mind .
10 The dominating sadist might be thought to be compensating for a feeling of sexual or personal inadequacy .
11 Beyond the brief : All three are prepared , indeed eager , to go beyond what might be thought to be the narrow design brief and comment on the nature and selection of the material they are asked to make attractive and intelligible on the page .
12 Although the students had few problems in discerning a variety of viable strategies for presenting new lexis in such a way that learners might be thought to be able to perceive its meaning without the intervention of English , the areas of structure and discourse proved less tractable .
13 On the other hand , its penalty structure might be thought to be preferable to that of New South Wales , for the maximum penalty for each category of offence is higher than in New South Wales and the ten-year maximum for simple sexual assault enables a heavier penalty to be imposed in serious cases which do not come within the higher categories .
14 The Divisional Court , and the majority of their lordships in the House of Lords , were struck with what might be thought to be the obvious purpose of the Act , which was clearly passed with a view to assisting the police in the detection and prevention of crime .
15 The first three of these are clearly concerned with the treatment of third-country nationals , and it is therefore of interest to note that the question of visa policy , which might be thought to be implicit in the second and third objectives mentioned above will fall within the scope of Community competence by virtue of the new Article 100C of the EEC Treaty introduced by the Maastricht Treaty .
16 It would seem unlikely before the Hadrianic period at the earliest , if comparison is made with some other northern sites such as Aldborough ; it might be thought to be more likely under Severus or Caracalla , when the whole northern frontier region was extensively reorganized .
17 In practice , moreover , treatments for such patients tend to be chosen empirically and worked through on a trial and error basis , whatever might be thought to be the underlying pathophysiology .
18 Except in larger firms , unanimity might be thought to be desirable in the interests of preventing further splits in the firm , and even where a majority decision is available , a genuine attempt to achieve unanimity should always be made : save in any but the clearest case , exercise of the power by a permitted majority without consultation with the remaining partners would be regarded as being in bad faith .
19 The boy shrugged , raising his brows with a mild affectation of surprise that it could be thought to be important ; but the stillness of his face and the steadiness of his eyes on Hotspur went some way towards betraying him .
20 The most obvious reason why there is a greater concern with visual images than with the printed word may be thought to be the emergence of the new media — film , television and even the computer .
21 A salesman whose last two months ' returns fall below the required norm may be thought to be failing , until one knows that this is the first time that it has happened in five years .
22 As for the infrequency with which it is celebrated , this may be thought to be a reaction against the daily sacrifice of the Mass and the emphasis that grace comes dear and difficult not cheap and daily .
23 Nuclear weapons can not escape from the kinds of restraints built up carefully in the laws-of-war tradition over the centuries , but there is a risk that they may be thought to be so escaping ( especially in view of the UK and US reservations to 1977 Geneva Protocol I ) unless positive action in this direction is taken , The comparative neglect of the whole subject of laws-of-war restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons has endured for forty years , for reasons which can be understood if not approved .
24 This may be thought to be the legal way to control force .
25 Indeed , the theodicy question as to how one could ever use such texts as a medium through which to worship God may be thought to be even more insoluble than is Schüssler Fiorenza 's finding inspiration in the early Christian community .
26 That the classical doctrine of the trinity has in this manner been departed from may be thought to be of no small consequence .
27 The repercussions of this maleness of the concept of Christ may be thought to be incalculable .
28 Change to the concretion may be thought to be extraordinarily difficult , for the imagery is built into the literature and thought structure which form the basis of the religion .
29 As long as one remains within a biblical and Christian tradition , the problem may be thought to be without solution .
30 Their family reputation may be thought to be at stake ; the parents may fear lest care of the grandchild should become their responsibility ; the prospect of the girl 's becoming a " bad girl " may weigh heavily ; punishment — of the girl , the man concerned or both -may be a primary demand .
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