Example sentences of "[vb mod] come [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
2 Walker should come through it well enough .
3 She should come with him to the United Reform Church in Florence and hear messages not of vengeance but of forgiveness .
4 ‘ I think you should come with me ! ’
5 Disturbed , Isa proposed Wilson and Pilade should come with her up to Bellosguardo for the afternoon and , since no protest was made , she hustled the two of them into her waiting carriage and whisked them off at once , leaving Maria with instructions to be there upon their return .
6 I would have been sorrier still if she had not paraded her distress so openly , sighing and staring into space and insisting that Richard should buy her whisky , which is expensive in Morocco — in her place I should have been so humiliated and ashamed that I would have done my best to put a good face on it — but I was sorry enough to agree that she should come with us , in our car .
7 He replied that the daughter could sue under trust for relief so that the whole of what the testator had given her should come to her .
8 Suppose a white man should come to me and say ‘ Joseph , I like your horses , and I want to buy them . ’
9 Everlast has made much in recent interviews of HOP 's lack of meaning — they 're just regular guys who enjoy a few bevvies and like to get laid , they do n't pretend otherwise , and no-one should come to them expecting anything else .
10 to be able to convince c er our clients that they should come to us rather than somebody else .
11 ‘ Presumably they 're attracted to you , one way or another , so any warnings should come from you , and there 's only one that seems relevant in the circumstances .
12 Information must come to him full-flavoured from his own observations of native life , and not be squeezed out of reluctant informants as a trickle of talk .
13 Kurdish people are hanging on in the northern part of Iraq , desperately in need of support and aid that must come to them before a harsh winter sets in .
14 He must come to me . ’
15 The hon. Gentleman will know that any project in excess of £1 million must come to me for a decision .
16 BELVILLE : Aye , Lady Davers , and there we must all end , you with your pride and I with my plentiful fortune must come to it , and then where will be your distinction ?
17 You must come to us .
18 The individual must come to his , her , own decision as to where morality lies .
19 I think not liking must come into it partly .
20 But you must come with me .
21 You and Basil must come with me to see her .
22 You must come with me ! ’ screamed Linton wildly .
23 You must come with me ! ’
24 You must come with me . ’
25 You must come with me into the tower to accomplish this foul work , since Yet is slain — I need your aid stoking the boilers to keep the electricity at full voltage .
26 He wanted to go home and therefore the others must come with him .
27 ‘ Of course you must come with us , Henry , dear .
28 But the pilot and your husband must come with us to another country .
29 ‘ I think this boy must come with us , ’ he was saying .
30 This accounts for the high turnover in membership … the recruit having seen emphasis laid on military activity is not prepared for the political activity which must come before it .
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