Example sentences of "[vb mod] like [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter , I should like to look at some of the ‘ social meanings ’ we give to arts and science today .
2 When the Archimandrite suggested that the two ladies might like to lodge at the monastery that night , she was briefly dismissive ; when he pressed his offer of hospitality further , she was brusque .
3 And you might like to look at these later , these later .
4 You might like to look at the erm the West Ham bombing map .
5 Yeah , I , I 'm suggesting that the facilities management contract , be referred to the budget review sub-committee for consideration , and in that way we can actually consider it , and obviously if the report is not yet prepared , erm , perhaps we can put some input into it , I have to say , that it disturbs me to be given an answer , that do n't worry everybody , there 's a report coming , and then we suddenly say well , we might like to look at it in three weeks time , we 're told actually it 's not written yet .
6 erm then erm what I 'll do I 'll pick it up next week and that will obviously show you a bit more about Abbey Life and any , any of your friends or anybody you think might , might like to look at the video erm you know just to give them an insight , people you mentioned erm to me that you perhaps know you 'd like to pass the video on to them to have a look erm and if er er you 've got my number and if you want to ring me then I can get some more videos if you think other people might be interested I 'm quite happy to pass them on , on to you as well , okay ?
7 and er Adrian , Doctor Adrian has just got his er ticket for life , now are you going to do anything , er can you imagine what you might like to work at ?
8 Erm , two er three points would I like , erm , picking up a couple of comments earlier , and coming back to a , I think if we use a cricketing analogy , a long hop I 'd like to bowl at you Chair , and you may hit it in Mr Wincup 's direction .
9 ‘ I do n't think the question of a change is one we 'd like to answer at the moment , ’ a Football Association spokesman said .
10 I 'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best .
11 On the supporters ' calls for his removal , he said : ‘ The supporters wo n't change my opinion of what I 'd like to do at Darlington .
12 Although that was extremely pleasant , and something I 'd like to repeat at the earliest possible opportunity , ’ he added , his eyes glinting brightly .
13 Asked what advances he 'd like to see at Stamford Bridge in the next 12 months , he responded : ‘ I want us to win something .
14 Well , if they 'd like to come at the fire station with their money today , barring fire calls , when we 'll be out of course , or if they see the fire engine driving round Didcot and it has n't got its blue lights on and they want to flag us down , they 're more than welcome to .
15 I think the important point I 'd like to make at the outset is that when the review of the requirement was carried out it was carried out both nationally and on a four nation basis , the ministers , once that was complete , the ministers decided that and stated publicly in December ninety two , that we will continue with the existing airframe and engine combination and that each nation er based on a family of aircraft concept could decide from a menu which equipments it would fit according to their individual requirements and their budget and we looked individually at each of the items to see what impact it would have on the operational capability if we were to remove them and what erm was decided in the end and the requirement reflects this , was signed last month by the Chief Surveyor 's staff , is that some nations have decided to remove certain items of equipment but for the U K we felt that it was necessary to keep all the major items and therefore as far as the U K is erm impact on the operational requirement is concerned , there is no significant alteration in its operational capability and therefore in overall percentage terms there is no decrease in the capability at all .
16 Last month we looked at the Dorian , Aeolian , Locrian , Melodic and Harmonic Minor scales ; today I 'd like to look at other minor scales which are widely used in today 's music .
17 ‘ Quite a few friends were starting families at that time and they were having real problems sorting out childcare , and I decided I 'd like to look at what opportunities there were for setting up in that field . ’
18 And erm some immediately post-war recipe books and I 'm sure you know if you 'd like to look at them after I 've finished talking you might even remember some of the er the er
19 can , can I just move on to one other issue that I 'd like to look at er , because I think we 've covered that reasonably for the moment which is , how , how will you find love ? , ninety three people said their , their were in love , seven said they were n't , of those seven were , you 've never been in love , was it , have , have you wanted to be ? , would any of the seven who voted no at the beginning , yes
20 ‘ I 'd like to look at both , ’ Jessamy said .
21 I 'd like to look at her background .
22 This is a copy of the letter they sent , if you 'd like to look at it in your own time and tell whether the information in it is correct .
23 Ooh I 'd like to look at that one again Alan .
24 Somebody , somebody said finances , I think it 's very important and I 'd like to look at financial implication and see if we can do something about it .
25 I 'd like to look at shuttering that area if we are gon na do your
26 Well I 'd like to look at the national implications of this .
27 Well these ex-patriots , I 'd like to look at their situation a little bit more carefully .
28 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
29 And after scoring the derby winner against Everton in March , Rosy said : ‘ I 'd like to stay at Liverpool but not if it means another season on the bench . ’
30 She therefore would like to see at least two or three days where her weight drops below her starting weight , maybe by 1 lb ( 0.5 kg ) .
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