Example sentences of "[vb mod] make [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Let's make tracks for Green 's or we 'll be late for supper .
2 If the patient is competent , no one else may make decisions for him .
3 ( 1 ) Without prejudice to its other powers under this Act , a licensing board may make byelaws for any of the following purposes ( a ) for closing licensed premises wholly or partially on New Year 's Day , and on such other days not being more than four in any one year as the board may think expedient for special reasons ; ( b ) for prohibiting holders of licences from residing in their licensed premises , or for requiring the dwellinghouses of holders of licences to be separate from their licensed premises ; ( c ) for requiring all wines , made-wines and spirits sold by the holder of an off-sale licence to be sold in corked , stoppered or sealed vessels , cans , jars or casks ; ( d ) for requiring every holder of a hotel or public house licence to keep in his licensed premises and to renew from day to day a sufficient supply of drinking water , and such eatables as may be specified in the byelaw , and to display , offer and supply the same as may be required by the byelaw ; ( e ) for printing a list of all applications coming before any meeting of the licensing board , with such other information as may be considered necessary by the board ; ( f ) for the setting out of conditions which may be attached to licences for the improvement of standards of , and conduct in , licensed premises ; ( g ) for the granting of a licence of a type other than that applied for ; Provided that a byelaw made under paragraph ( c ) above shall not apply to licensed premises where no groceries are kept or sold and where a bona fide wholesale business in alcoholic liquor is carried on .
4 Upon a decree for dissolution of a marriage or judicial separation , the court may make orders for the custody , maintenance , and education of the children , for financial provision to be made for the wife , and for varying marriage settlements .
5 If the customer may make orders for a number of parts , then ‘ part ’ must also be a key attribute as there will be several tuples with the same ‘ Name ’ .
6 They prefer to associate with the machine rather than with human beings , although they may make exceptions for fellow hackers .
7 The Department may make allowances for other expenses which you may have for the upkeep of the property .
8 The bill 's first clause simply states : ‘ The Secretary of State may make arrangements for enabling eligible students to receive loans towards their maintenance out of money made available by him for that purpose . ’
9 Thus instead of writing If the Seller shall have given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection , and the Buyer shall fail to collect them within seven days from service of such notice , the Seller shall be entitled to make arrangements for the storage of the goods and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage the drafter could write If after the Seller has given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection , the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days , the Seller may make arrangements for the storage of the goods and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage .
10 This structure is followed in the example given above and can be broken down as follows : If after the Seller has given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection [ case ] , the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days [ condition ] , the Seller [ subject ] may make arrangements for the storage of the goods [ action ] and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage .
11 In this example there are two consequences of the conditions being fulfilled : ( 1 ) the seller may make arrangements for storage and ( 2 ) the buyer must then reimburse the seller any costs and charges .
12 A better version would therefore read : If the Seller gives the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection but the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days of service of that notice , the following provisions shall apply : ( a ) the Seller may make arrangements for the storage of the goods until they are collected and ( b ) the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred in connection with the storage of the goods .
13 He wanted to say that she should make sandwiches for herself and go on her own for what Mrs Blakey called a tramp .
14 Must make allowances for her , Bessie , ’ said Joe .
15 Not many people will complete the route in fewer than 12 days , so trying to fit the walk into a two-week holiday is pushing your luck — you must make allowances for delays and for time spent on the island getting to and from the start and finish .
16 First , under section 6 , when granting a warrant , the Home Secretary must make arrangements for the purpose of securing that : ( a ) the extent to which the material is disclosed ; ( b ) the number of persons to whom the material is disclosed ; ( c ) the extent to which the material is copied ; and ( d ) the number of copies made of any material is limited in each case to the minimum that is necessary .
17 He 'll make prints for you .
18 You will get clear , concise particulars of properties in your range — choose the ones which interest you most and we 'll make arrangements for you to see them .
19 ‘ Rohan obviously felt he could make plans for his own future , at last .
20 The Bat Conservation Trust was set up to provide such facts on bats ( not ill-informed opinions as in your editorial ) so that people could make judgments for themselves .
21 If she does , I could make cakes for it , could n't I , and jam — ’
22 These factors , said some respondents , could make claims for compensation more difficult to pursue , even though hepatitis B is an acknowledged occupational disease for some healthcare workers .
23 YORK City manager John Ward could make changes for tomorrow 's home game against high-flying Crewe Alexandra .
24 Aberconwy Borough Council said the damage figure passed the point at which they could make requests for financial help to the Government .
25 whereas he 's got ta he says just one round here so they could make decisions for you .
26 The successful receptionist models could be used to devise special training to enable CAB receptionists to ascertain the depth of a problem ; they could serve the dual function of assessing which clients have just come in for a form or a local address and they could make appointments for others in person or by telephone and smooth the queue .
27 Six seats would be allocated to Taylor , who was offered the post of Speaker and could make nominations for the cabinet .
28 But when the make do and mend clubs were told that even worn out soft collars and shirt cuffs would make maps for tank commanders , they responded well and over a thousand tons of rag was collected between nineteen forty two and nineteen forty three .
29 In a town where the politics of two great interests clashed , it was essential to make the best possible use of any means of influence and to have a deputy functioning in the regality court in a way which would make friends for the duke 's interest rather than enemies .
30 Harriet would make excuses for this , rather as she had done over her late husband 's peccadilloes .
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