Example sentences of "[vb mod] to go into the " in BNC.

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1 Neither the campaign nor the result purged him or his family of a settled if unenthusiastic feeling that he ought to go into the House of Commons .
2 I wrote back and said no way did I think that she ought to go into the unit .
3 When only five years old , he used to go into the bakery with his father before school just for fun .
4 It had three big windows with iron doors and white walls and you used to go into the house up a flight of steps because there were shops underneath .
5 And erm we used to go into the assembly hall every morning for prayer and then we should just go up to the erm we we used to go upstairs to the er to the classrooms which were off a long corridor .
6 You see when Steve used to erm come down to Selby I mean there were , there were occasions when I used to go into the college with him and sit in on some of his interviews .
7 Oh that was approximately about erm , well I 'm talking about now in my time it must be over twenty year ago , when he introduced that and the simple reason was there was an argument between the deputy harbourmaster and the boatmen which are the cos they used t it all happened over a ship called used to be a collier , used to run here regular and that used to discharge so much coal at Cliff Quay , then it used to go into the dock at Tolwells Quay and finish unloading because it used to bring two or three different lots of coal , it was a four hold ship , she had four holds , and there 'd be one hold for the chemical works and perhaps there 'd be three holds for and that se
8 Well it was the same no distinction at all in that sense , but er you know we were sort of they had more serious things to talk about than I wan er you know I knew the cook , er couple of o other apprentices from the carpenters shop we used to go into the main th there was no-one to keep an eye on us in the in the mess-room you see , no-one to tell us .
9 ‘ He used to go into the bathroom and lock himself in there for hours .
10 Well first of all I 'd go down Street and up Street West and up to the top of Street and there was some puddling furnaces , the new side iron works and I 'd watch those men they 'd produce wrought iron and during the process the metal boils up and I 'd have to get a big rubbling bar and rubble they 'd call rubble into a ball , there 's a little wagon put underneath the put under the wagon and off he goes to the steam hammer , now I used to be fascinated with this and Saturday after Saturday I used to go up there and watch one of the heats and as soon as they 'd finished doing they used to go into the Forge and Hammer for a drink , I mean it was such hard work so they 'd do a heat go up the Forge and Iron and come back and then do another heat when I 'd
11 I used to go into the rolling mills and watch them rolling steel sheets and over about half an hour there , this was Saturday after Saturday after Saturday I used to do this .
12 He used to go into the market with him .
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