Example sentences of "[vb mod] have been avoid " in BNC.

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1 A crash or a motoring conviction was viewed as unlucky , rather than something that should have been avoided .
2 The other big mistake could and should have been avoided .
3 Most of these expensive incidents might have been avoided by this drill .
4 Lord Justice Taylor , recently appointed Lord Chief Justice , said that the 95 deaths during and after the 1989 FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest might have been avoided in an all-seat stadium .
5 ‘ The accident might have been avoided if he had adopted an approach which enabled him to keep the crane in sight .
6 In fact , even the most basic repairs had been neglected for many years before that , so that structural problems developed where they might have been avoided .
7 If this diversification had been achieved , it is argued , the worst effects of the fall in copper prices might have been avoided .
8 And it gives support to the idea that treating the colic is important , because the children in the study all had serious health problems as a result of their sensitivity to milk — problems that might have been avoided if they had been taken off cow 's milk at an earlier age .
9 And , although this is probably hoping for too much , the by now traditional attempt to pin the blame on the auditors might have been avoided .
10 At the same time , however , some of these weaknesses might have been avoided if more careful attention had been given to commercial needs by those originally responsible for framing the administrative structures of nationalised industries [ Chester , 1975 ] .
11 Had a few thousand peacekeeping troops been sent there as a sign of outside concern , that war just might have been avoided .
12 There were fragments of evidence , however , to suggest that the final collision might have been avoided .
13 Held , granting the application , that the coroner had wrongly precluded himself from considering whether the cause of death had been aggravated by lack of care ; that where the medical cause of death was accompanied by concurrent events which themselves might be a cause of death , there was a case for considering the death ‘ unnatural ’ within the meaning of section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 , and an inquest should be held ; that the statutory duty imposed by section 11(5) of the Act of 1988 to investigate how death occurred prevailed in any conflict with the provision in rule 42 of the Coroners Rules 1984 that verdicts should not be framed so as to appear to decide any issue of civil liability ; that it was in the public interest to investigate by means of an inquest whether the deceased 's death might have been avoided had an ambulance been available earlier ; and that , accordingly , the coroner 's decision not to hold an inquest would be quashed and an order of mandamus granted for an inquest to be held ( post , pp. 491E , H , 493C–D , E–F ) .
14 Some panel members felt that time spent in discussion of the documentation led to a tight schedule and that this might have been avoided by an additional private meeting on the evening or day before the event .
15 The Department of Conservation estimated that 60–80 per cent of the dolphin mortalities of the previous 4 years could have been avoided by such restrictions .
16 The following Spring , a still shaken Khrushchev called a group of writers to his dacha outside Moscow and told them that the Hungarian rising could have been avoided if a few writers had been shot in time .
17 But the crash could have been avoided had the pilot taken a safer course , Sheriff Douglas Risk said in his report on an inquiry into the accident held 13 months ago .
18 If you are not , you may be heading for potential losses which could have been avoided and you are almost certainly not trading as effectively or profitably as you should !
19 In a final report , which has not yet been made public the Atlanta group concludes that seven babies died of deliberate overdoses and that another 2 I deaths could have been avoided if the hospital had been better equipped to spot trouble .
20 But they do occur , and some of them could have been avoided .
21 The situation could have been avoided had the teeth been regularly checked and rasped .
22 The tragedy of it is it could have been avoided .
23 A full list of gliders which can be towed in included , and the concluding paragraph in the fully detailed glider-tugging section states , ‘ Most of the numerous accidents that have occurred during glider-towing operations could have been avoided if pilots had better known and followed these basic rules of safety ’ .
24 ‘ without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road ’ Means that reasonable consideration was not shown , e.g. where a pedestrian is splashed by a car going through an obviously large puddle which could have been avoided , where headlights are left on full beam , so as to become a potential or an actual hazard , or when a driver changes lanes without reasonable consideration for other road users .
25 It is difficult to see how this could have been avoided .
26 They were joined by air experts who claimed that the disaster could have been avoided .
27 Carson concludes , after carefully researching the individual incidents which constituted this high rate of fatality ( as well as those involving serious injuries ) that the majority could have been avoided if the ‘ political economy of speed ’ had not been allowed to supersede the ‘ political economy of employees lives and limbs ’ .
28 A couple of back-row changes and a second-row change were badly needed and I are sure the humiliation against the Wallabies could have been avoided if the selectors had acted on the evidence .
29 In many places the film opened to boycotts and demonstrations but several distributors suggested that these could have been avoided by the use of a more innocent title along the lines of It Happened in Mexico .
30 If you had done your job properly , been a decent husband , then all this could have been avoided . ’
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