Example sentences of "[vb mod] have the best " in BNC.

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1 It seemed also that in justice Aunt Louise , being old and a visitor , should have the best place .
2 Wrangham , after a short period of ecological work , remarked that ‘ herd formation clearly involves costs even at the beginning of the wet season , when a grazing animal should have the best food supply of the year ’ .
3 Each child needs : to be listened to and understood , to be recognised and believed , time to laugh and have fun , time to explore and develop their own feelings , the opportunity to make choices and decisions , time to understand and respect others ' cultures : should have the best of what Health and Education can provide .
4 The slight , disparaging inflexion on the last word annoyed Mr Pigdon , but he gruffly assured the gentleman that he should have the best spare bedroom and all the comforts his poor house might afford .
5 If we are to succeed we must have the best information possible from scientists , economists and other professionals .
6 On the geographical point , if a party is to secure a seat it must have the best part of a quota of votes after transfers at the end of the count .
7 Over a thousand mountain bikers are racing … we 'll have the best of the action for you on Monday …
8 A ship equipped with two or three of these panemones could have the best of both worlds .
9 ‘ And if we do manage to land all the players we are thinking off we could have the best Queen 's team since the early 80s .
10 I tell you what we 'd have the best house round here if a I ca n't get over that lady over the road though and her husband .
11 ‘ You may have the best relationship in the world but if you do not provide your account manager with the ammunition to fight your corner then all his boss sees is a problem account . ’
12 Stone Roses , Happy Mondays and the Inspirals have all been tipped to break the States but THEY CHARLATANS may have the best chance of all .
13 Well it 's a very very competitive race I I I suppose he may have the best chance but there are an awful lot with good chances .
14 Stone Roses , Happy Mondays and the Inspirals have all been tipped to break the States but THEY CHARLATANS may have the best chance of all .
15 Sorry , information was wrong there , but nevertheless you 're near the top of the tree in trying to help get more nursery places in the county and you know that you 're being you may have the best intentions , but you do n't have the facilities to do very much about it .
16 So let's have the best of order for the speakers please .
17 The US has talked of a genuine North American free trade zone incorporating the US , Canada and Mexico which would have the best of all worlds with high-technology skills and a cheap labour force south of the Rio Grande .
18 By the time they 'd stowed everything in the boot of the Ferrari and driven to a hilltop where , Nicolo said , they would have the best view , the sun was a fiery ball low on the hills .
19 ‘ The best , Vicky , you shall have the best man .
20 You shall have the best table .
21 ‘ We shall have the best in the Dale , and two pack mules for extra food and gear since we want to travel swiftly .
22 That way it will have the best possible start in life .
23 If people have total control over their business they will have the best possible emotional involvement , ’ he says .
24 But unlike the millions of Indians who live in hopeless poverty , England 's highly paid cricketers will have the best accommodation and hospitality available .
25 These , for Moore , have little or no intrinsic value , and their investigation belongs to the practical branch of ethics concerned with which among possible actions will have the best consequences , rather than to the more fundamental enquiry into the nature of the intrinsically better and worse which it presupposes .
26 He puts great emphasis on the difficulties of prediction , and urges that where there are rules to which people do in fact adhere for the most part , and which help maintain the social stability required for any kind of good to flourish , we are likely to come nearest to doing what is objectively right ( in terms of its actual consequences ) if we also stick to the rules , but that where the rules , however useful they would be if generally obeyed , are widely flouted we should make a direct judgement of what will have the best consequences .
27 Where there are no established rules to guide decision we must make a direct judgement as to what will have the best consequences , concentrating on the more immediate and those we are personally most motivated to promote , as the remote future is highly unpredictable and we are unlikely to do much to promote what is not personally inviting .
28 He can not equate it with ‘ ought ’ since , according to him , to speak of what one ought to do is simply to speak of what will have the best consequences .
29 First , is it inevitable that political parties , not voters , should rank candidates on their lists , and thus decide which of them will have the best chances of being elected ?
30 ‘ In three weeks we will have the best ship , sir , and the finest crew in England .
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