Example sentences of "[vb mod] happen [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Anything at all , and probably bad at that , might happen at any time … .
2 It could happen to any man . ’
3 But what had happened to her could happen to any woman .
4 The neck is bowed out of shape already , which , in truth , could happen to any bass , but it 's not to be expected from an instrument with virtually zero miles on the clock , and these initial impressions are important to anyone considering an investment .
5 The lad has learned a harsh lesson for doing something daft , but this type of injury could happen to any player at any time in training .
6 Yet all of these could happen to any climber .
7 The motor racing world was stunned because , in a sport that flirts with death , there were many drivers who thought that if it could happen to Clark , it could happen to any of them .
8 It 's no joke for a kid , it could happen to any of us . "
9 AGLOBAL aviation security network is needed urgently to prevent another Lockerbie disaster , which could happen at any time , an expert on international terrorism warned yesterday .
10 Some people live with a more or less permanent anxiety that this shattering event could happen at any time .
11 Anything could happen at any time .
12 He told members to get ready for an election which could happen at any time .
13 They leave the state of nature ‘ by setting up a judge on earth with authority to determine all the controversies and redress the injuries that may happen to any member of the commonwealth ’ .
14 That may happen in any of those .
15 Whatever was to happen to him would happen without any provocation on his part , and nothing he did in conciliation could ward it off .
16 work out what would happen for any of the any of the acids with any of the alkalis .
17 Secondly , it must be remembered what would happen in any banking institution should depositors start withdrawing funds which did not end up being re-deposited within the system .
18 Q What will happen to any clergy who decide to leave the Church because of their opposition to the legislation permitting women to be ordained as priests ?
19 LM That will happen in any small country trying to establish itself or struggling to survive .
20 As there is no possibility of any Government in the Community , certainly no British Government and certainly no Labour Government , not referring to their Parliament for a mandate before taking a step into entering monetary union , the opt-out clause simply codifies what will happen in any case , I believe , in every single one of the European Community democracies .
21 Mutation can happen during any cell division .
22 But fire can happen at any moment : the Red Watch was called to the King 's Cross Underground station fire .
23 But as a general rule it can happen at any age and time .
24 Feeling sick is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and can happen at any time of day , not just the morning .
25 The events in Liverpool highlight what can happen at any time and I think a systerm like this gives people security .
26 The episodes can happen at any time and nurses at the Countess of Chester Hospital , where she is a patient , have a matter of minutes to resuscitate Leah through a tube inserted into her neck .
27 For the true little-magazine sense that something wonderful or crass can happen on any page , you have to turn to chancier ventures , such as the new quarterly , Mediterraneans ( £7.99 or £22 per year from Didsbury Press , 7 Darley Avenue , Didsbury , Manchester M20 8XE ) .
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