Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] see a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you sure you should n't see a doctor ? ’ asked Apricot , as Rhoda 's cough grew nastier .
2 You may not see a great deal of your creative team — many agencies take the quite reasonable view that the creative people should be busy making advertisements , not chatting up clients , and in one or two like Collett Dickinson & Pearce , the creative department holds itself superior and aloof and deals with clients only through its emissaries , the account executives .
3 ‘ But when they meet me , they may not see a kind creature who has helped them .
4 After two hours , I reached firmer ground but became concerned that I could not see a four hundred foot escarpment which , according to the map , should have been less than a mile ahead .
5 ‘ It was a feeling of being suspended — it was not a negative feeling and not even a loss to be mourned , but I just could not see a way ahead .
6 She ran and ran but could not see a house anywhere , so she sat down under a flower to rest .
7 Ruth wandered through the department , studying the dresses on display — and the young ladies behind the counters as well — but she could not see a familiar face .
8 Eliot did not doubt the resilience or resolve of the British people ; but he remarked to me that he could not see a man like Neville Chamberlain coping with a major conflict .
9 A garrulous Welshman who could not see a beach without running along it .
10 ‘ My headache just grew and grew and suddenly the light faded and I could not see a thing .
11 He could n't see a thing .
12 ‘ I looked at the walls in the Goldie boathouse and saw the names of all the crews and could n't see a cox with three wins on the trot .
13 He could n't see a horse playing badminton .
14 I instinctively had a quick look but I could n't see a damned thing .
15 They had turned back to Sicily and I could n't see a formation but spotted a straggler who , curiously enough , was flying diagonally across our line of approach and not heading pell-mell for home .
16 For one thing , she could n't see a thing in the blackout without her glasses ; and for another , the uniform was n't half attractive enough .
17 I could n't see a thing .
18 But they could n't see a boy in a red shirt .
19 Stephen could n't see a sign of its owner .
20 Some obvious and important matters were left to one side for years because I could n't see a way forward , or had no time to do the experiments — or could n't find the funds to buy the equipment or chemicals needed .
21 At first I could n't see a way of getting to the bus station at two o'clock in the afternoon because we were never free at that time , but my chance came quite unexpectedly .
22 No matter where I looked I could n't see a gleam of light .
23 Dougal could n't see a television in the room .
24 ’ I could n't see a fellow mortal suffer , ’ he said with a grin .
25 ‘ I could n't see a damn thing , ’ he said .
26 They followed the white arrows painted on the road between the parked cars and at first they could n't see a space anywhere .
27 If it 's the and that down it he could n't see a blockage .
28 It was very packed in there but I could n't see a lot of anything .
29 Had to laugh yesterday towards the end of er our round , it was really tipping down , misty , fog , could n't see a hundred yards I had this almighty s I said well I 'll let the six iron , I did this almighty swing the ball went one way and the club went right up the top of a tree .
30 I could n't see a car .
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