Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] go through " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that there are a number of steps which should be gone through towards this end .
2 I know exactly what you must be going through , ’ Mr Darling commiserated with Maggie .
3 Fabia quickly , if reluctantly in the light of what Cara must be going through , had to state .
4 Thoughts of her dear sister and all that she must be going through started to get to her , and , as love and conscience did a double act , she could n't help thinking that surely she could do more .
5 ‘ Quite a few compared with the one-eyed places we 'll be going through .
6 par but bad news for American Kristal Parker who we also saw earlier , she 's finished nine over par and does n't look as if she 'll be going through to the next stage .
7 In the case of the Shipbuilding Engineering and Repairing Bill in 1976 , it was not appreciated until the Bill was well under way that it was , by reason of naming the firms to be affected in a schedule , a hybrid Bill and its passage had to be deferred in order that the above procedures could be gone through .
8 ‘ The customary processes of consultation ’ would be gone through , Macmillan had written to the Conservative party conference in Blackpool from his hospital bed in London , racked with the pain of an inflamed prostate gland .
9 Now if you get and this of course once again will be gone through in much more detail er on the training school .
10 We list the advertisers put all this detail down which once again will be er will be gone through .
11 He knows what his successor will be going through .
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