Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] the better " in BNC.

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1 A hospital admission is frequently accompanied by a more in depth assessment , which may explain the better results for the 25 patients in this subcategory .
2 Er er it were just the same on a motorcycle the faster he 'll go the better they 'd like it !
3 Hold on , wait there , I 'll get the better stuff than that Tramp
4 As a member of one of the two departments into which the direction politique of the foreign ministry was then divided , he found that he and his colleagues spent much of their time playing draughts and that there was considerable rivalry between the two as to which could make the better " five o'clock tea " .
5 The practice of eating dead enemies probably arose from the idea that you could absorb the better qualities of the person who had died through eating their flesh .
6 And he added : ‘ I genuinely think I could do the better job because I 'm full of confidence .
7 And he added : ‘ I genuinely think I could do the better job because I 'm full of confidence .
8 Crocker , some six years the chief inspector 's junior , was the only man Burden knew who could get the better of Wexford and match his acid tongue .
9 Who would make the better monarch ?
10 Perhaps Alice would make the better wife .
11 On the matter of ‘ Increasing respect for the United States overseas ’ , 42 per cent believed that Reagan would do the better job as compared to 31 per cent for Carter .
12 He postulates that IBM could create different classes of shares whose dividends would reflect performance of relatively healthy businesses such as the AS/400 and RS/6000 , and possibly AdStar storage products , but many observers now believe that nothing less than a full break-up of the company would enable the better bits to prosper and restore shareholder value .
13 Soon , it would take the better part of two days to pass between Famagusta and Kouklia .
14 Nobody would get the better of him .
15 He would put the better dealers on a table together .
16 It is hoped that this study will permit the better understanding of how women with no other economic options can be helped to adjust their sexual-commercial behaviour to slow the transmission of the HIV virus .
17 … the city of Chichester doth so fast decay and run to ruine , and the multitude inhabiting there so fast growe too beggary that except for remedy thereof some speedy order bee taken it is very likely the multitude of poor in the liberty of that city increasing will cause the better sorte ( being few that can contribute towards the releefe of the poore ) by reason of charges to wex weery of inhabiting the city .
18 Well she said it 's up to you how you go on really , you know the more , the more you can do the better or less , see how it works out , cos you do n't really know do ya ?
19 The more of these questions you can anticipate the better , but there will always be surprises .
20 Until November , the more entrepreneurial spirit you can muster the better .
21 He does n't look like the sort of man one can get the better of very often . ’
22 Well I should take an extra one the more you can get the better that 's what it 's all about is n't it ?
23 Secondly , the more grey scales the scanner can resolve the better as we are going to be trading these against resolution for the best compromise .
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