Example sentences of "[v-ing] back towards [art] " in BNC.

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1 As they set off she realized they were n't driving back towards the restaurants of the town centre and Willi 's beloved Franz Joseph hotel , but up to the mountain road that led over the pass and into the next valley .
2 And , when we were driving back towards the tunnel , do you know Upper Parliament Street ?
3 Then we were walking back towards the carriage , and as we passed I heard Mr Jonesy say to the preacher , ‘ I 'll give 'im the devil when I get 'im 'ome . ’
4 With his much-abused parcel still under his arm , he started walking back towards the city .
5 It was obvious that she could n't go into the Rose Bowl until she had calmed down , so instead she started walking back towards the flat .
6 She stood for several moments in front of the altar before turning away and walking back towards the door .
7 We noticed now a trail of well-trodden snow winding back towards the shore , obviously a route known to be safe by the experienced locals .
8 ‘ You come near me , Preacher , and I 'll kill you , ’ I said , shrinking back towards the protection of the crowd .
9 An example of presentation infidelity , uncovered in our survey , was where companies showed a series of columns sloping back towards the right away from the common baseline of the X axis .
10 ‘ Night after night , I hear you complaining in your sleep , ’ Inanna continued , prowling back towards the bed .
11 The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house .
12 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
13 He crossed the road , pausing on the kerb and looking back towards the Lancia .
14 At the bottom of the slope , on the terrace above the ornamental lake , a woman was walking , looking back towards the house .
15 Looking back towards the Pan-Americana , the huge mud complex appeared ringed with peaked and desiccated mountains .
16 Next moment , both men were out of the cab and sprinting back towards the blazing house .
17 In her rear-view mirror she saw the two men hurrying back towards the administration block .
18 But yesterday , on his 91st birthday , Trafford , whose wife died in sheltered accommodation four years ago , told a community nursing conference in London that , though a Tory voter all his life who thought most of what Mrs Thatcher was doing was good , he saw a danger that old people might be heading back towards the workhouse if the Government went ahead with NHS cuts and changes in community care .
19 The triplet , reunited with its mother , was heading back towards the flock that was bunched up against the top fence .
20 Tillard and Royal Marine Lt. R.C. Hay , spotted another Z.506B as they were heading back towards the carrier , and attacked .
21 I turned my back on the lochan and walked a dozen paces away from the edge before heading back towards the road .
22 The dog had lost interest and was heading back towards the kitchen .
23 Demonstrating what a simple change at the top can achieve , Compaq Computer Corp , which had sales of $3,200m last year and had been heading back towards the $2,000m mark under the previous regime , last week announced that it had made it through the $4,000m sales barrier for 1992 , with profits up 34% in the most recent quarter .
24 She offered him the half-smoked burnie but he batted it angrily from her fingers before heading back towards the concourse .
25 And then , before they could answer , she had turned away and was heading back towards the bridge .
26 Hitch held her gaze until he heard Plummer heading back towards the kitchen .
27 The idea hit her like a thunderbolt and she spun round , heading back towards the main entrance , remembering that there was an enquiries desk there .
28 Great palls of smoke lifted above the distant horizon , turning the dawn 's light ochre , while , two li out , a convoy of transporters sped westwards , heading back towards the safety of the City .
29 Then , like a whirlwind , he was storming off through the garden , heading back towards the villa .
30 She watched him walk away along the corridor heading back towards the club , her heart feeling lighter than it had for the past week .
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