Example sentences of "[v-ing] at a table " in BNC.

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1 Behind them , a row was developing at a table between a drunken American and two girls .
2 She tried to look at the thing calmly and sensibly , tried not to be aware of Deana and Sarah whispering at a table only a few yards distant , but felt too hurt and shocked to be rational .
3 On opening the door , Derek saw two of them drinking at a table .
4 She was sitting at a table in the recreation room with her relatives round her .
5 There 's a man and a woman sitting at a table by the window , and I watch them for a bit .
6 Sometimes they would come and lunch or dine in my hotel , sitting at a table next to ours .
7 It was so much more businesslike to spread out needlework or write letters sitting at a table .
8 Sitting at a table sipping champagne is club owner Lips Manlis ( Paul Sorvino ) , a hood with muscle one of those leftovers from Prohibition days who , despite his fancy clothes and expensive cigars , remains a lug .
9 There were a couple of people already in there , sitting at a table near the counter .
10 When they arrived the place was empty — — it was early evening — except for ‘ two street toughs in camel-hair coats ’ sitting at a table ; ‘ and they were fairly easy to distinguish , and I think we walked up and asked them if they were — and — , and they said yes . ’
11 On our last night we dined on fresh local fish in the Club taverna sitting at a table close to the water 's edge .
12 RICHARD is sitting at a table , poring morosely over his cheque-book stubs .
13 He had been sitting at a table in the corner reading an Italian newspaper and Sandison had hardly paid him any attention .
14 When Sandison arrived at Franco 's bar the next morning at ten to ten , Maidstone was already there , sitting at a table , drinking coffee .
15 Just inside the door there were two Germans in the grey uniform of the Luftwaffe sitting at a table .
16 Six of us were sitting at a table .
17 Sitting at a table with Rebecca Small , Richard Barton , Laura Lewis , Natasha James and Holly Randall she was able to see the children 's work books .
18 ( The story is completed by a picture of the crocodile , wearing a party hat , sitting at a table loaded with cakes .
19 She is sitting at a table , reading a Yiddish newspaper , and doing crochet .
20 Sitting at a table in the corner so that they can see the door , catch the others ' eyes when they come in .
21 Nell was sitting at a table with a fortyish couple who she later told me owned one of the horses in the box-car , a dark bay called Redi-Hot .
22 Sheridan Lorrimore , who was sitting at a table apart from his parents , demanded I bring him a double Scotch at once .
23 ‘ That 's wonderful , ’ said the man , but then he saw four Scots sitting at a table without a drink .
24 Late on the Saturday evening , in the glow which follows a good dinner and good wines , four of us , all old acquaintances , were sitting at a table in the lounge talking — inevitably — about birds , and the conversation got round to places we would like to visit .
25 In the latter case , the knowledge may include likely events such as sitting at a table , reading the menu , ordering , waiting , being served , eating , paying the bill and so on .
26 Sitting at a table between the two men , uncomfortably close to this violent exchange , Patrick O'Dell tried to pour oil on troubled waters .
27 I remember one day in the 1940s sitting at a table on the first floor of the Crown in Fleet Street , next to a table where an attractive young woman , then unknown to me , was sitting in front of a plate of smoked salmon and opposite an empty place furnished with another plate of smoked salmon , which must have been ordered in advance .
28 In the centre of the room , sitting at a table , was the strangest lady I have ever seen , or shall ever see .
29 A few months later I was sitting at a table opposite three Foreign Office officials .
30 When Chuck crossed to the cook tent , carrying his rifle for the early start they planned for the final day , his father was already sitting at a table in the open , sipping a steaming mug of black coffee .
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