Example sentences of "[v-ing] on the particular " in BNC.

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1 We are examining and consulting on the particular position of the Territorial Army .
2 These targets vary depending on the particular approach of the agency and practitioner .
3 Moreover , to claim that in allowing the patient to die , the doctor acted lawfully , because he omitted to do anything , rather than committed any act , is to overlook the obvious point that , depending on the particular circumstances , it may be the doctor 's duty to act , so that his failure to act by allowing death constituted a breach of duty .
4 Depending on the particular circumstances , the use of legal discretion was creative .
5 Depending on the particular species , dodder vines range from very slender forms as fine as human hair to coarse ones a few millimetres in diameter .
6 Depending on the particular combination of methods researchers have used , they have reported a fear of strangers in all or nearly none of the babies studied .
7 Members of the cast are assigned to one of two completely different speaker systems depending on the particular qualities of their voice .
8 In my experience the best setting for groups or individuals is a comfortably furnished room , not too reverberant , with plain , unobtrusive decor and a choice of armchairs and upright chairs which are easily shifted depending on the particular grouping needed for the activity ( one-to-one discussion , four grouped round a table , two rows facing each other , a circle and so on ) .
9 The most important result from these experiments is that if the first ten positions of the list of allowable candidate strings are considered , the correct words are present between 97% and 100% of the time , depending on the particular writing being analysed .
10 It may be appropriate to have a basic core vocabulary in use all the time , with additional lexicons available depending on the particular domain of application .
11 Cooking procedure : depending on the particular recipe , add cold or boiling water .
12 Walton argues that views of ‘ best interests ’ are rather always contingent , depending on the particular position and assumptions of the person expressing them as well as on objective circumstances .
13 We can delay cashing orders whenever the need arises and we have complete control over them and how much we save depending on the particular needs of the children at a particular time .
14 Members of any society were all socialized into a similar set of values and attitudes towards sexuality , with differences for each individual , depending on the particular circumstances in their family .
15 Depending on the particular objectives of the public relations programme , these audiences may include potential or existing customers , creditors and shareholders , schools or other educational bodies , employees , local residents , government and other authorities and non-formers in the appropriate fields .
16 It is important , therefore , that all those in receipt of accounting information appreciate the underlying policy implications that could possibly ensue depending on the particular treatment of various items of expenditure .
17 The courts have always exercised considerable discretion , within the maximum penalties laid down by statute , depending on the particular facts of the cases before them .
18 Each group is broken down into many different variants depending on the particular way in which the image is transferred onto the paper ; daisy wheel , ink jet , thermal transfer and so on .
19 Depending on the particular system used , patients would only be permitted to seek treatment from ‘ approved ’ or ‘ contracted ’ suppliers or would have to get prior agreement from their home authority to seek treatment elsewhere .
20 The content of the firm 's valuation report may vary depending on the particular circumstances of the engagement , ie
21 Depending on the particular dimension being measured , the degree of agreement may be given a higher weighting and that of disagreement a lower one .
22 The exact requirements of natural justice can vary depending on the particular situation .
23 For the standard enquiries always use one of the printed forms of requisitions , which all law stationers sell , being careful to delete irrelevant questions , such as those that relate to leaseholds when you are buying a freehold ; and as you add your own special requisitions arising on the particular title , tick your marking against each point on your notes on title .
24 Barnardo 's also has workers focussing on the particular needs of families facing both haemophilia and HIV .
25 In whatever format you keep them , the notes you make need to be clear ; if they are not self-explanatory at the time you write them , they are unlikely to be intelligible later , when your memory of working on the particular book or topic has faded .
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