Example sentences of "[v-ing] on [art] history " in BNC.

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1 Whilst pondering on the history of the town and how often it had been conquered and invaded , he struck upon the idea of fashioning a wonderful head of brass that could speak and was omniscient .
2 What Glasgow 's director Julian Spalding proudly describes as ‘ the museum world 's answer to Disney ’ takes the form of a major exhibition drawing on the history of Native American Indians since Columbus 's landing .
3 The research is aimed at drawing on the history of Soviet economic relations with the LDCs as a basis for monitoring the changes brought about first by ‘ perestroika ’ and then by the disintegration of the USSR ; it will then analyse the effect on the developing countries concerned and evaluate the profit and loss account of their economic relations with the Soviet Union ; it will also look at the relevance of these relations to the Soviet economy and that of the constituent republics ; and finally it will try to look at the future prospects of the relationship between the less developed countries and the individual republics of the former Soviet Union .
4 In the process of reflecting on the history of the game , Hampden Babylon can barely conceal a loathing for our near and dear neighbours England .
5 Oh yes , indeed , a close friend of mine has been working on a history of a very large British company and he 's just seen the proofs produced from the printers from the typescript which was typed in his own office , and apart from the fact that their computers can change the typefaces and improve the whole thing , the work has not had to be rekeyboarded , as they would say , retyped in , at all .
6 Historians working on the history of crafts , trades , housing and furniture have also made significant advances in their subject by using probate inventories .
7 Oh , yes , indeed , a close friend of mine has been working on the history of a very large British company and he 's just seen the proofs produced from the printers from the typescript which was typed in his own office , and apart from the fact that their computers can change the typefaces and improve the whole thing , the work has not had to be re-keyboarded , as they would say , re-typed in at all .
8 He 'd met Romano de Sciorto through researching the book he 'd been planning on the history of the islands .
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