Example sentences of "[v-ing] in the street " in BNC.

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1 If Damiani could go to Jaffa , most of his fellow exiles are prevented forever from walking in the streets outside their old houses — or knocking on those front doors .
2 It is not long before the pictures deal with activities as well as objects : having a bath , going shopping , a visit to the clinic , and walking in the streets and in the country .
3 The people , the ones we see sitting about in cafés , or walking in the streets , also bear a striking resemblance to drawings by Toulouse Lautrec or Degas .
4 Germans were confidently walking in the streets when the alarm sounded but they did n't take it seriously and failed to go to air raid shelters .
5 I might see someone walking in the street , in an outfit I like , and think , she looks good .
6 The offender drove up behind the victim as she was walking in the street one evening with her daughter , aged two and a half , and attacked her with a hammer , striking her two blows on the leg and one on the knee .
7 Nobody intervened , although there were many people walking in the street , and when the two men had finished what they had obviously planned to do , they left as unhurriedly as they had come .
8 They were walking in the street , hugging the shade , yet Davide 's face was reddening , the sweat damped his shirt to his back , his pants to his groin , his feet to his socks .
9 ‘ They see him walking in the street late at night .
10 The number of people who have died on our streets is equivalent to a hundred thousand people dying in the streets of Britain , if that were happening , then the House of Commons would be packed to the doors everyday , until they got it sorted out .
11 Children living in the streets , peasants arriving from Sicily without an idea …
12 People passing in the street would hear his voice booming through the big wisteria -hung window that looked down the hill .
13 She was pretending to look at the people who were passing in the street , but Burun was not deceived .
14 Friends passing in the street may simply fling a quick ‘ hallo ’ at each other .
15 He 'd brought her not flowers , not fruit , but a little orange kitten , which he 'd found wandering in the street outside .
16 I mean one lady was found wandering in the street !
17 Outside some drunks were shouting in the street .
18 They gazed down at the innocent football being kicked back and forth against the wall outside , the thwack of the ball booming in the street amongst the traffic noise .
19 Children were prohibited from smoking in the streets and the sale of tobacco to them became an offence .
20 Sir Ivor Jennings once said " If Parliament enacts that smoking in the streets of Paris is an offence then , in the eyes of the English Courts , it is an offence . "
21 For example , on one occasion a youth was caught urinating in the street late at might , and was very respectful and deferential when caught in the act , but , upon the policeman recalling that he had recently been one of a group which had shouted abuse at him , an act expected from gougers , he was arrested , and the incident was treated as a case of indecent exposure .
22 Just then the bizzies came and all the sirens started going in the street .
23 A teacher in the Transylvanian city of Cluj told the Guardian that she saw corpses lying in the streets after troops opened fire on demonstrators .
24 They tell of women murdered by Iraqi soldiers , because husbands or sons had joined the rebellion ; of heavy shelling of residential areas ; of summary executions of anybody suspected of aiding the rebels ; of bodies left lying in the streets .
25 Yesterday he backed their case with the story of those children lying in the street .
26 ‘ The five children were lying in the street .
27 ‘ She was found lying in the street .
28 He 's lying in the street with nowhere to go and no life . ’
29 The open fields remained open for another generation — until the secret ballot came in 1872 , but by then grass was growing in the streets of the town .
30 Her only daughter , the apple of her eye , had been brawling in the street .
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