Example sentences of "[v-ing] for the door " in BNC.

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1 Tolby flung himself sideways , his hand groping for the door handle .
2 She felt them go round her , strong and decided against her dress , beneath her coat , and then he put his mouth on hers and began to kiss her , and for a moment she felt that she was flying , and the next minute she was clawing herself free with the superhuman strength of panic and stumbling for the door .
3 As he was talking , he was sliding out of bed , still trying to face his wife , but finally leaping up with a glad cry and rushing for the door , clad only in his pyjama top , his penis smacking against his thighs as he ran , as she noted .
4 Tom passed them by without a glance , heading for the door at the very end of the corridor .
5 ‘ I heard glass breaking and saw three people heading for the door , ’ said 37-year-old Dean , a modern art lover .
6 The train eased into the station and he got to his feet , heading for the door , pressing the ‘ D O O R O P E N ’ button even before it was illuminated .
7 But already he was sweeping past her , heading for the door , quite unaware of her inner anguish .
8 ‘ Help him , ’ said Isabel , heading for the door before Ellen had her gown properly fastened .
9 With a whoop of pleasure Kirsty rushed across the room , heading for the door that led out into the hall .
10 Then she was turning on her heel and heading for the door , anxious to make a speedy escape .
11 Then , on sharp , swift strides he was heading for the door , while Shiona continued to stand where she was , rock still , as though rooted to the floor .
12 He turned on his heel , heading for the door , then paused and informed her over his shoulder , ‘ Oh , by the way , I ought to tell you I knew you were n't sleeping naked .
13 Winking broadly in Lindsey 's direction , he was already heading for the door .
14 Lindsey grinned , already heading for the door .
15 Kay was on her feet , already heading for the door .
16 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
17 In the next second there was a sound of metal hitting metal , and in the next instant , Fabia was out of bed and heading for the door .
18 Over the porch was a wooden pointed hood with scalloped edges , to keep off the rain , presumably from the heads of visitors waiting for the door to be opened .
19 She moved back , waiting for the door to open , it remained firmly shut .
20 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
21 My friend Massimo Grech will be here in half an hour , ’ he suggested easily , turning for the door .
22 Despite subtitles which obviously struggle to get the profane poetry of Tarantino 's script , the film goes down a storm with the festival audience , though the torture does send some people scurrying for the door , among them one Wes Craven , director of the first Elm Street movie and much else .
23 The Marines did n't wait to be told twice , but simply began running for the door , firing as they went .
24 She tried to get past him , running for the door , running for safety , running from the unspeakable truth — that she was ready to fall at his feet and admit her love .
25 ‘ Then if you will not , I must ! ’ cried my noble cousin , flinging down his television set and plunging for the door .
26 ‘ I still think you should try marrying Peg , ’ Fred said , starting for the door and giving Arthur as sharp a seizure as he had ever had of longing and hatred for an ally who was deserting him to go to sleep .
27 ‘ Now , ’ Manville yelled , reaching for the door handle .
28 He was making for the door when he stopped and half turned back towards her and said , ‘ By the way , Aggie , very little escapes you , as I know only too well , but have you noticed any difference in Jessie of late ? ’
29 ‘ I 'll just rustle something up , then , ’ said Sergeant Bird , making for the door .
30 ‘ Boats away , ’ he cries , emptying his glass and making for the door .
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