Example sentences of "[v-ing] the same thing " in BNC.

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1 That 's quite ludicrous , why should they shoot themselves in the foot and is Mr seriously suggesting the same thing ?
2 Of course , it 's always there , but the walls and towers appear to have moved when they were not being watched , or maybe they are in the same place , but the adventurers are n't seeing the same thing all the time .
3 We can ask , for instance , whether it enjoys any or all of the experiences , ‘ seeing the same thing moving ’ , ‘ seeing one thing being replaced by another ’ , ‘ seeing a thing of a particular shape ’ , and ‘ seeing a thing being transformed into another ’ .
4 Ann said they kept both wanting the same thing at the same time .
5 We have now a number of equations describing the same thing .
6 Or are these two ways of describing the same thing ?
7 ‘ He does n't do a damn thing for the good of mankind , but makes one hell of a fat living by buying cheap from one worker and selling the same thing dear to another worker .
8 They seemed like two equivalent ways of saying the same thing , and which form of words you chose seemed a matter of taste .
9 The gabble continued , not repeating itself word for word but always saying the same thing .
10 She sweetly punctuated every pause with ‘ Actually , we have had quite a few calls saying the same thing , ’ and ‘ Actually , I must say , I do rather agree with you . ’
11 It 's them , always saying the same thing .
12 ‘ Perhaps that 's another way of saying the same thing , ’ Hepzibah said .
13 To back up the intuitive sense that there are " different ways of saying the same thing " , Ohmann ( in the article quoted ) enlists the authority of linguistics .
14 Let us think again about what is good in the dualist position : it captures the insight that two pieces of language can be seen as alternative ways of saying the same thing : that is , that there can be STYLISTIC VARIANTS with different STYLISTIC VALUES .
15 I think we 're saying the same thing .
16 We could say simply — John ate fish and chips but there are many other ways of saying the same thing :
17 Chambers and Trudgill ( 1980 : 90 ) note that it is ‘ not possible to set up done as any kind of linguistic variable , since it is not a form which is involved in alternation with other forms that could be considered to be ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ ' .
18 Particularly , the notion of ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ to which Weiner and Labov obliquely refer ( see above ) is much less straightforward than it seems .
19 Because syntax is embedded in discourse , entirely different forms might have similar functions ( i.e. be used as equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ) ; for this reason it is sometimes difficult to specify a principled way of knowing where to stop counting particular forms as variants of a variable .
20 This may be said to constitute evidence that the speaker views [ SVQ ] and [ QSV ] as ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ .
21 But in her earlier study where she had viewed the alternants as being ‘ equivalent ways of saying the same thing ’ she did not attempt to ‘ account for the interplay between the differences in modal meaning and the social conditioning in the use of these forms ’ ( Lavandera 1982 : 90 — her translation ) .
22 The patterns could be interpreted in different ways ; one possibility is to argue that the correlation with extra-linguistic variables constitutes evidence that the forms are simply different ways of saying the same thing , that differences in modal meaning which do not affect truth-conditions are merely stylistic and so may be ignored .
23 But if I have been able to persuade you that Bishop Wilberforce and Professor Chomsky are really saying the same thing , then those of you who are of rationalist or empiricist persuasion have at least got a measure of the difficulties that you face .
24 Everything took getting used to , she said , saying the same thing night after night , softly in the darkness .
25 John-William had been saying the same thing himself when Ben Braithwaite had still been in his cradle .
26 Now this woman , a complete stranger , was saying the same thing because she was with Nathan .
27 ‘ At the moment , there 's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone , ’ said Harris quietly , ‘ and if I thought you were keen on any of the other men in this case , I 'd be saying the same thing about them . ’
28 Suffice it here to note that I do not mean that all religions are really saying the same thing ; that differences do not matter , that they all have basically the same origins , or fulfil the same functions .
29 Now he was saying the same thing .
30 Erm , in Shropshire the M F U are known to be in favour of compulsory dips , there 's no difference between us , but if we are going down , you are going to send a re erm , er , a joint representation , then I think before you agree to send a joint representation then you need to have a meeting with M F U and C L A , to make certain that we 're all saying the same thing .
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