Example sentences of "[v-ing] around with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have a feeling now , as if I 'm walking around with a sign on my back saying ‘ Kick me ’ , or ‘ I 'm a prat ’ , the sort of horrible joke kids play on each other , because I feel as though that 's exactly how people treat me .
2 I was walking around with a camera and binoculars right on top of their nuclear silos .
3 I was just walking around with a huge grin on my face .
4 I mean you see them walking around particularly people who go for the big dogs , you see them walking around with a big thick necks , the tattoos , the er the boots and the jeans rolled up .
5 Now if he did n't shave his hair off and he was walking around with a rim round the side of his head
6 Ian said he spent the whole day walking around with a daft grin on his face .
7 walking around with a chip on his shoulder .
8 my dad like in South Africa my dad was telling me , when they went out at night , yeah , like if they were going to a restaurant he 'd take a kni he 'd take his gun with him and keep , it 's fucking odd man like my dad walking around with a nine millimetre strapped to his
9 And I just said , I 'm not walking around with a hundred and fifty quids worth of money .
10 They moved into a flat in Bellevue Crescent , had a dog ( called ‘ Badger ’ , like the family dog in the book ) and wore moth eaten fur coats , walking around with the dog on a piece of string , rolling their own cigarettes ( a habit which has stuck ) and spending hours in the pub drinking scrumpy .
11 If you practised walking around with the model in the hover , you should have got the hang of this already .
12 And they 're right , because the idea of wandering around with a radio-equipped , RISC-based , flat tablet , scribbling notes and then faxing them off Star Trek-style to headquarters , is so far from the reality of poor handwriting recognition , disappointing battery life , so-so screens and skyscrapingly high prices , that most users simply have n't bothered .
13 Montgomery at the time was wandering around with a BBC camera crew all across Africa , talking about his ability .
14 The lone watchman might , just possibly , be wandering around with an oil-can in hand but more probably was immersed in one of the lurid magazines with which what was called the engine-room library was so liberally stocked .
15 Though , come to think of it , anyone who goes rushing around with a child or , worse , a straw bale on their shoulders must be a few bricks short of a stable .
16 They went outside , Forster turning around with the set switched on , and finding the direction where the static was the strongest .
17 ‘ Perhaps there is n't all that much fun in going around with a married bloke , after all ? ’
18 Sweets were produced and I remember going around with a bandaged head for a day or so .
19 sudden change in behaviour or lifestyles , for example going around with a new set of friends
20 You ca n't wear gloves — there is no grip … there is so much dust around the grinding machines — one of them caught fire five times during the past three months … then there is a fellow going around with a bottle of water .
21 The technical parts of the job — the sampling procedures , the use of chemicals and equipment — can be learned by going around with a more experienced officer for a week or so .
22 By the time I was eight-years-old I was going around with a prostitute .
23 So that 's why I 'm going around with a little machine and a microphone on
24 Well , seem funny a boxer going around with a tail wo n't it ?
25 Well , I suppose , if somebody 's going around with an opinion pole , and they ask you about a certain , what you think about a certain thing , that , that , presume what their asking about , may affect everybody in different way
26 You can imagine : old Crumwallis going around with the expression of a Soviet agronomist at harvest time .
27 She apologized for skulking out of the way so shamelessly , she thanked me for saving the life of their beloved dog who was now prancing around with the children as though nothing had happened , and she finished with the regret that she had n't even asked me my name .
28 Or maybe she was happy at the fact that , in a few minutes , after a couple of minutes ' contact with Clara Beeding 's right mitt , she would be skipping around with the best of them .
29 Her neighbour may be struggling with arthritis and moving around with a Zimmer frame but be quite able to follow current affairs and argue about Coronation Street .
30 Only in the former case , where the plasma is in equilibrium , its particles randomly moving around with a distribution of energies , does the concept of ‘ temperature ’ have a true meaning and the possibility of sustained thermo -nuclear fusion exist .
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