Example sentences of "[v-ing] around a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you are not convinced by this , think about walking around a foreign airport , where you do n't speak the language .
2 The session was short , the smile fading from the face of the accused as Mrs Balanchine described in detail how the car had come storming around a blind corner and swung in close to the wall where they were waiting to cross .
3 her compositions are spun from the rhythmical flowing brushwork : this can occasionally veer towards the mannered or illustrational , such as the lines weaving around a central bulbous form in ‘ Conch ’ .
4 bleating around a daft young heifer .
5 Lion-hearted Nigel does n't worry about the high-speed horrors of blasting around a concrete oval , six inches from a wall at up to 240 mph with 30 other drivers all battling for the same space — and no runoffs if you crash .
6 They were ballroom veterans , bobbing around a tottering couple with rigid elbows who frowned at each other 's feet .
7 He was on patrol with two other UN military observers when the mine exploded as they were driving around a small bridge a few miles north of the temples in Siem Reap province .
8 ‘ How did I get here ? ’ she asked , looking around a shabby but pleasant room , feeling so frail that she might have been made of china , china broken into a thousand pieces .
9 Certainly there is Biblical precedent for splashing out on special occasions — Martha 's anointing of Jesus with the expensive ointment could easily be used as a justification for spraying around a little champagne to hansel a special occasion .
10 Beside the portrait was a carved cuckoo clock with green ivy and purple grapes growing around a green front door .
11 The car seems equally at home eating up motorway miles and nipping around a traffic-logged town .
12 It could be a flatter of setting up a new plant , opening a new market , launching a new product or turning around a failing company that has been acquired .
13 Our most controversial cover last year showed a photograph of a red car going around a Swiss hairpin , with the headline ‘ Ford 's new Escort meets its rivals ’ , and then , underlined in red , ‘ … and loses ’ .
14 It was ludicrous : a customs officer living with a contraband child , spending half the day in a posture of specious confidence with one foot up on his inspection counter while he intimidated law-abiding passengers , and the other half knowing furtiveness and joy in smuggling around a small boy who was his own and licit son .
15 During the Project Video shoot we shall be moving around a great deal and there may be occasions when people need to contact us but are unable to do so .
16 Nelson has been struggling to implement this grand vision ever since but , in the course of his work , he established the hypertext model as a means of getting around a huge database .
17 At eighteen — the period of the mousseline de soie dress — she had found herself hanging around a certain area of Twickenham , where they were then living , in the hopes of encountering the doctor 's son , with whom she had had a strangled conversation at some social gathering .
18 Prior to this time , the early seventies , there was no real precedent for autonomous women 's groups organizing around a woman-only issue .
19 The first is that the masers are emitted from a circumnuclear molecular torus rapidly rotating around a compact massive object , such as a black hole .
20 ‘ I saw myself sitting around a huge table eating supper with an assortment of generations — the way they do in all the films I 've seen about Italians . ’
21 For the uninitiated , this means three or more people sitting around a three-legged wooden table , hands on the table with thumbs and little fingers joined to make a circle , and asking questions to which the table would reply by tapping on the floor with one leg — two taps for yes and one for no .
22 There was no other option as the Hurseys live in a known highrisk parvovirus area and carrying around a Great Dane puppy in a blanket to acclimatise him to street life — as one might with Yorkshire terrier pup — is hardly practical AND needs a very large owner !
23 Right now she 's carrying around a soft hand puppet , and takes it to her basket each night .
24 The heart chakra , for example , has been seen in terms of a river curving around a conical hill with a church .
25 There is a very special reward , however , for those who suffer the rigours of this journey when the cliffs end suddenly to reveal ahead an inviting and welcome crescent of golden sands curving around a lovely bay .
26 Groups of semi-autonomous firms in a variety of fields revolving around a single manufacturer but with a web of cross-holdings in each other .
27 Later he was to advise the next Lord Petre on planting around a proposed new home and again he wrote to Bartram for plants .
28 Working around a resource-based pattern , especially when what Holly has called " structured heroism " is expected to play an important role , the teacher-team can plan more readily for multiple methodologies than if the basic pattern is what might in contrast be termed " developed exposition " .
29 At the beginning of this century it was thought that atoms were rather like the planets orbiting the sun , with electrons ( particles of negative electricity ) orbiting around a central nucleus , which carried positive electricity .
30 And because , unlike some fathers , I ca n't interest myself in sending a multi-coloured hedgehog spinning around a televisual roller coaster faster than Esther Rantzen changes expression from moronic merriment to Dianesque poor-thing-how-you-must-be-suffering-thank-God-I'm-not solemnity .
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