Example sentences of "[v-ing] about in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The next few years saw her and Ross out with this band of fun boaters and future rodeo aficionados though Lesley remembers having spent much of these early years bobbing about in the boils on the edge of the rough stuff , a result of lack of confidence in her own ability and perhaps not being pushed to perform by the guys in the group as much as they would each other .
2 Once aboard two LSIs , the raiders carried out successful rehearsals at Scapa Flow ( north Scotland ) , despite the navy 's understandable challenge to the carrier ships ' small craft bobbing about in the night .
3 The Barbarians were knocking about in the late bronze age and iron age .
4 That 's what the law did four years ago when he was training to win his silver in Seoul and driving about in a car supplied by the British Olympic Association .
5 ‘ Office girls were screaming uncontrollably and walking about in a daze with blood pouring from them , ’ said witness Helen Millican .
6 I feel as if I 'm permanently walking about in a painting , everywhere is so lovely .
7 Clarissa said she was glad she had n't known he was walking about in the open .
8 He was thrashing about in a circle , trying to escape and kept shouting , ‘ Help me !
9 There was a moment of drama though when this big pike started thrashing about in the net .
10 The agency is thrashing about in the grip of an angry Congress that is bent on uncovering mismanagement and conflicts-of-interest at the agency .
11 He does this by moving away from the shoal of fry and then thrashing about in the water as if injured .
12 Says Harrison : ‘ I was thrashing about in the water with all my clothes on and ended up being dragged down .
13 A good tight-fitting cap or hat is useful since there is nothing worse than groping about in the dark to recover a wind-blown hat .
14 He resolved that the occurrence could be sorted out in daylight and that there was no point in groping about in the dark .
15 He 'd accept anything that did n't involve stumbling about in a greasy morass of railway tracks .
16 It seems stupid now but you ca n't imagine what it was like stumbling about in the dark and then seeing him daubing away … whoever heard of painted flowers … ’
17 ‘ If it means stumbling about in the dark I sympathize . ’
18 ‘ Now , pop your trews off and give her a cuddle ; and make sure she 's out of here soon , I do n't want her mooning about in the morning . ’
19 I must say whilst scrambling about in the Quiraing the impression was of a giant stalagmite Disney World maze filled with wandering families in soft shoes and yet more babes in papooses .
20 What you would like to find , of course , is just one fuel tank because you think Andropulos is going to claim that he did n't abandon ship because he thought another fuel tank was about to go and he did n't want his precious passengers splashing about in a sea of blazing fuel oil which would , of course , also have destroyed the rubber dinghies . ’
21 We were soon splashing about in the surf washing off weeks of dirt accumulated in the slit trenches .
22 Not only that , there was the auto-suggestion of two tiny Spanish brats splashing about in the pond in front of the green , fishing for lost balls .
23 Fred White and Sandy , the friend he had agreed to meet here , sat on the shore and watched people splashing about in the water .
24 While your child is splashing about in the sunshine , be very careful to protect her skin from the sun 's rays , which can still burn her even in the water .
25 ‘ He did write to that American professor that Boz ‘ disappears and presently emerges from a bathing machine , and may be seen — a kind of salmon-coloured porpoise splashing about in the ocean ’ . ’
26 So I tried the RSPCA inspector , but it seemed he was more concerned with a cow wandering about in a shopping mall in Carmarthen .
27 There are computer games on the market in which the player has the illusion that he is wandering about in an underground labyrinth , which has a definite if complex geography and in which he encounters dragons , minotaurs or other mythic adversaries .
28 You know he would n't go wandering about in the warren .
29 On the surface , at least , our days passed harmoniously , eating , swimming , wandering about in the hills .
30 I often saw him wandering about in the fields and lanes or fishing in quiet reaches of the river when he should have been in school .
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