Example sentences of "[v-ing] to go [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll be wanting to go down there .
2 ‘ John will do it ; you 'll not be wanting to go back out in the rain . ’
3 ‘ I 'm going to go up there and ask Gaskell what he thinks he 's playing at . ’
4 she said was she was going to go up about twelve ?
5 It sounds as though it 's going to go on forever then .
6 Oh it was glorious I made a note to myself actually , that I 'm only going to go out once a week for a proper shop , from a list , in the solar and the rest of the time I 'm going to go to the quite expensive little Robber 's Roe , round the corner from me .
7 And the other fear , of course , was that the cost of fuel is going to go out literally through the roof , if you 'll excuse the pun , erm that does n't seem to have happened , so again presumably they the tour operators will be able to hold prices , certainly as far as the flights are concerned ?
8 We 're all going to go out there and give it a billion per cent every night .
9 Chris had insisted that if he was going to go out there , then so was I. I 'd been searching for a way out all night , but nothing convincing came to mind .
10 ‘ They said the programme was going to go out all over the worldbut we never saw it — we have n't got a TV , you see .
11 Having your cosy liaison disrupted was never going to go down easily , but think on the bright side — at least I 'm here to keep you company .
12 Bearing in mind that there 's something like forty companies chasing about eighteen percent of this market , do you honestly feel that your advertising revenue is going to go down as quickly as feel if you want to try and keep ahead of the the pack and keep up with the leaders .
13 The crazy auxie was going to go down there , Defries realized , whatever Defries 's orders were .
14 You 're right , I mean you would obviously be in that position if you were going to turn left , but if you 're If you 're going to go down there by all means , but it 's safer if y Say you 're you 're n car number two behind car number one in position two and he 's inc signalling left .
15 Oh are you going to go down there then for a weekend ?
16 Are we going to go back again to Didcot Power Station in the meeting ?
17 Are we going to go back again to Didcot Power Station in the meeting , or are
18 So you 're not going to go back now ?
19 As soon as I 've got some suitable breeding pairs I 'm going to go back there .
20 He came out from refreshments , and we were all bored to death , waiting to go round again , flings his cape round his shoulder , took his helmet off , and started dancing down the road , throwing flower petals about .
21 Iro , who holds the Wembley try scoring record with six tries in a total of four Challenge Cup final appearances with Wigan , is aiming to go back again in a Leeds jersey .
22 The 16-stone 6ft 2in New Zealander , who holds the Wembley try-scoring record with six tries in a total of four Challenge Cup final appearances with Wigan , is aiming to go back again in a Leeds jersey .
23 It was beginning to go out again , calmly withdrawing , as though trained .
24 There 's no point in asking to go up there in order to waltz around a bit .
25 What has happened because this problem has been recognised is that the police are having to go down there on a regular basis and actually stop people doing this stupid manoeuvre .
26 I was having to go out daily I could n't do it .
27 ‘ Up in the bloody rafters , ’ said Stone grimly ; he shivered , perhaps a response to the thoughts of having to go back up into the roof space , into the cold , cramped quarters .
28 Now , as socialism knocks on the door of Number 10 , the Hoorays are preparing to go back underground , adopting once again the protective colouring that has kept the British upper classes safe and sound while heads have rolled all over Europe .
29 ‘ Were you planning to go round there ? ’
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