Example sentences of "[v-ing] support for the " in BNC.

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1 In rural areas , ANDES members were established as leaders of the radical opposition to the regime and in the 1972 elections were fundamental in organizing support for the opposition coalition , the UNO .
2 In caves and hill-strongholds the legend has persisted of the Lost Prince , Igor Fedorovitch , said to have survived the assassination of his father ; and it is mainly among ‘ simple , pastoral folk ’ that the Forgers of the Sword have been slowly gathering support for the restoration of the rightful king , after his existence and identity have been discovered .
3 However , despite a varied programme there has been great difficulty in gathering support for the other functions and indeed the last one had to be cancelled .
4 Although professing support for the retention of the pay formula , senior officers hoped industrial action could be avoided .
5 The company is understood to have abandoned development of the Repository altogether , and the switch of strategy leaves the whole AD/Cycle concept in complete disarray , though the company says that it is reaffirming support for the AD/Cycle tools available : to do anything else would leave the company open to all manner of retaliation from AD/Cycle International Alliance Members .
6 On Jan. 26 a single-paragraph statement by Mandela , dated Jan. 25 and reaffirming support for the ANC 's policy of nationalizing the " mines , banks and monopoly industries " , was released to refute rumours that he now favoured a mixed economy .
7 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
8 Dyson then went about the task of enlisting support for the organisation , a process which was successful , as can be seen from the thirty-three signatories ( including Lord Attlee , the Bishops of Birmingham and Exeter , Isaiah Berlin , Julian Huxley , Bertrand Russell ) to the letter that appeared in The Times in March 1958 .
9 ON APRIL 26 , Qin Benli , the editor of the Shanghai-based Shijie Jingjie Dao Bao ( World Economic Herald ) was sacked for publishing notes of a forum calling for the rehabilitation of Hu Yaobang , the former disgraced Communist Party 's general secretary who died in April this year , and expressing support for the student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square .
10 DORJE WANGDU : a 33-year-old electrician from Lhasa , he received a three-year term of ‘ re-education through labour ’ , without charge or trial , in September 1991 , for peacefully expressing support for the Dalai Lama , Tibet 's Buddhist leader-in-exile , and for possessing ‘ reactionary ’ documents .
11 But none the less the community is expressing support for the FDR-FMLN in ways which it is really surprising to see .
12 Venezuelan President Carlos Andrés Pérez , expressing support for the Colombian government 's anti-drugs campaign , called for a " world war against drug trafficking " .
13 On May 29 tens of thousands of demonstrators in Tirana 's Skanderbeg Square , calling for the overthrow of the government and expressing support for the hunger strikers , attacked police with rocks , bottles and fire-bombs .
14 On June 19 , Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement calling on Yugoslavia 's leaders to " resolve their disputes peacefully " and expressing support for the " territorial integrity of Yugoslavia " .
15 Civic and business groups in San Salvador organized a massive pro-government rally on Dec. 7 expressing support for the role of the army and calling for the demobilization of the FMLN .
16 MPs gathered in the House of Common on Sept. 24 for an emergency debate on the government 's handling of the currency crisis , and voted by 322 to 296 in favour of a motion expressing support for the government 's economic policy .
17 The Council issued a statement on Sept. 9 expressing support for the air exclusion zone imposed over southern Iraq , for the Moslems in Bosnia , the Somali people , and the UAE in its current dispute with Iran — rejecting Iran 's " continued occupation " of the disputed islands and affirming that the GCC would support any measures that the UAE might take to " affirm its sovereignty " .
18 Kraemer and Roberts ( 1984 ) ( see also Kraemer and Ossenkopp 1986 ; Kraemer , Hoggman , and Spear 1988 ) have invoked results from a rather different experimental procedure in seeking support for the retrieval-failure account of latent inhibition .
19 Researchers do not normally look to accountants when seeking support for the imaginative leaps which have characterised the most major advances in science .
20 The exercise proved valuable not only in securing support for the projects but also in identifying issues requiring clarification or more closely reasoned argument .
21 Scores from the RDLS also correlated with performance in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children ( WISC ) and the Word Reading Test after age 3 years , thus providing support for the test 's predictive validity .
22 X/Open chief technical officer , Mike Lambert says X/Open says is also providing support for the Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation , which is trying to get its own POSC branding scheme off the ground with the aim of harmonising IT standards within the oil industry .
23 After annexation Korea was seen as crucial in providing support for the Japanese economy and four times as much long-term capital was invested in Korea than in Taiwan .
24 Although providing support for the findings of Mattila et al , our results show a weaker association between dental disease and coronary heart disease .
25 Donor states are aware that by providing support for the armed forces of one superpower their territory could become a target in the military operational planning of the other superpower .
26 In fact , the rational expectations hypothesis is sometimes seen as providing support for the ‘ strong ’ version of the Friedman approach to monetary policy in which the x per cent rule is made constitutionally binding .
27 A number of small series have been published providing support for the efficacy of this technique .
28 While with ILEA Ms Clay , once the deputy head of a Midland school , led a team of advisers providing support for the health education curriculum on over 1,200 education establishments .
29 The British public is increasingly distrustful of industry on environmental issues and there is rising support for the idea that " the polluter pays " , according to Bob Worcester , chairman of market research firm MORI , which has been tracking attitudes to the environment since 1969 .
30 As such , he had shown unflagging support for the Axis cause .
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