Example sentences of "[v-ing] along to the " in BNC.

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1 The kind of farcical spectacle pop has n't provided for a while , it had everything from Radio 1 getting in a tizzy about whether to ban it to TOTP carrying drug warnings , from ageing DJs singing along to the chorus to ageing rockers ( Francis Rossi of Status Quo ) crawling out of the woodwork to condemn it .
2 You will have had a bath before going along to the morning service of Chiropody , so the problem will not arise .
3 I 've seen her going along to the library regularly , pretty well every night .
4 Hi , After lengthy negotiations in private , Gav & I are going along to the Sunderland game together on Wednesday .
5 There 's another picture of it where er this was er about five or six years ago this was taken , and you can see there , going along to the end of the er of this fencing , the post there which was one of the er of the posts er to which the gates , the crossing gates were attached .
6 Marsha I 'm going along to the chip shop and I 'm going to McDonalds and get a drink , na , I 'm gon na have to stay , how much , how much the chips ? , sixty P and how much is milk shake ? , one pound , that 's one pound sixty and then money for sweets after school
7 In the wet , the broad ridge high up to the left is preferable , leading along to the conspicuous profile of Alport Castles — a huge landslip where millions of tons of shales and grits slid forward to create a spectacular feature above the hamlet of Alport .
8 This he achieved by getting along to the Frog and Ferret at about eleven each morning , where he spent hours in conversation with George ‘ This is My Coronary ’ Parker .
9 Both came to the Sunday services immediately after coming along to the centre , one of the lads having a belief in Jesus but had never taken the step of repentance and asking Him into his heart , when he did his reaction was to say he felt the chains fall from him and that he believes Jesus has broken his addiction to alcohol .
10 Andy 's coming along to the next C S M T
11 About er refurbishment and closure programme Mr talked about , a a refurbishment and closure programme is a Tory programme , not a Labour programme and of course this is all verified by Mrs coming along to the committee and saying please do n't close Barleythorpe Hall , please tell the people that you 're going to re-open Barleythorpe Hall , please do not allow them to think that it 's going to close .
12 you will be expected to have done some research , done some preparation before coming along to the lesson , if you go along to the lesson not having done that , you will be able to play back certain tips from what the other people say , but you will not er , you will find that
13 you 're coming along to the doctors .
14 Meanwhile , for one glorious day , millions were able to ‘ take action ’ and assuage a whole year 's guilt in one go , by writing a cheque , phoning in a credit card number , or trotting along to the local collection point with cash .
15 An elderly lady who owned one of the bigger villas , Mrs Richards was a well-known figure on the complex , trotting along to the sauna with her parasol shielding her face from the hot sun , and eating paella regularly at Don Pedro 's restaurant before taking a dip in the pool .
16 Whether purring along to the chatter rhythms of ‘ Kiss And Make Up ’ or merely blowing away her fringe , eyes struck heavenward , she 's an instant star in a country that patented the idea of reckless innocence , from Jane Birkin to Vanessa Paradis .
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