Example sentences of "[v-ing] at the table " in BNC.

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1 And M was stabbing at the table top with her secateurs and I could see she was white with rage .
2 Shivering at the table and peering down at the paper under the stumpy candle I allowed myself to wander off the straight path through the dark trees .
3 Looking at the table we can see how low the calcium level is in cereals .
4 Francie , still smoking at the table , laughed like a coffee grinder whirring , and Aunt Margaret , up to her elbows in suds , turned warningly to him with a finger on her lips .
5 Tug sat down where the Woman pointed , but Doyle began to walk round the room , peering at the table from all angles .
6 He 's staring at the table .
7 Artai was staring at the table as he spoke .
8 Suddenly everyone had gone except for one man , the show 's principal backer , who sat crying at the table .
9 Glancing at the table , she saw that the girl had done everything just as she had shown her … the big brown teapot had pride of place in the centre of the table , with the pretty rose-patterned milk jug and sugar bowl beside it .
10 Mrs Beavis looked plumply overflowing at the table .
11 Millie was standing at the table with her hands resting on the back of a chair , looking down at the tablecloth .
12 People started coming into the dining room and sitting at the tables regardless of the fact that we were still in the station .
13 It felt cold in here , though other travellers , sitting at the tables , wore only thin clothes .
14 They may spend Saturday night together , and as often as not you see the men holding up the bar with their pints and the women sitting at the tables with their shorts .
15 In the kitchen she found Rodney stirring the contents of two saucepans and Veronica , John and a young man she did not know sitting at the table drinking wine .
16 The others were sitting at the table .
17 In the kitchen she found Veronica cooking and Rodney sitting at the table writing a list .
18 She was sitting at the table with her chocolate cooling in the mug between her hands .
19 She turned and saw him still sitting at the table .
20 Sitting at the table in North 's office , they communicated by passing notes to each other , even notes that merely inquired when they ought to meet up again .
21 When I 'd left the horse in the yard and gone in for breakfast I found both Mackie and Sam Yaeger sitting at the table with Tremayne , all of them discussing that day 's racing at Nottingham .
22 He slept , sitting at the table , the towel his pillow .
23 Her father , a hale old man over seventy , with a fresh colour and benignant expression , was sitting at the table finishing his meal .
24 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff , I had been in my pantry , sitting at the table going through my paperwork , when I heard a knock on my door .
25 defiance of house rules ( e.g. breaking rules about playing with matches , about not switching on the TV before the children 's programmes begin , about sitting at the table until the meal is finished , or about not taking food out of the fridge without permission ) ;
26 Sergeant Hanafin was sitting at the table with Peg O'Malley .
27 Sonny was sitting at the table with his mother .
28 Yvonne was sitting at the table with a cheroot and a tall glass of wine .
29 He watched his dejected figure walk past him into the cottage and , after allowing a few minutes to elapse , followed him in and discovered him sitting at the table in the living room , his bag of apples and sandwich lying untouched .
30 Tom was sitting at the table , glueing coloured paper chains together .
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