Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [adj] direction " in BNC.

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1 The Partnership can , however , play a distinctive role in promoting the effective direction of both public- and private-sector resources towards the most disadvantaged areas .
2 Also , we ordered the armature , it came through a couple of days ago , we put it , but it 's going the opposite direction .
3 This has yet to receive a name and will depart from Waterloo again about lighting up time , 18.00 ish , heading for Southampton but via Andover , the Laverstock avoiding line and Romsey so that the locomotive is facing the right direction for the homeward journey .
4 In 1912 the Corporation itself had purchased 30,000 coloured postcards of a circular tour car on a leafy Whitegate Drive ( see p. 61 ) , where the cars were posed facing the wrong direction to catch the sun ( below ) .
5 When considering the future direction of the company it is as well to remember the advantages of not following whatever current fashion is sweeping through one 's competitors .
6 The equivocal evidence about the direction of movement of material has been discussed above in considering the general direction of movement on this coast .
7 Before considering the automatic directions , it is as well to remember that ( although they will be sufficient in most instances ) they are only the bare bones of the directions the parties may need in a personal injury case , and do not prevent the parties seeking any further directions they may need under Ord 25 whether set out in PF51 or not .
8 We may clear away the smoke that suffocates and remove the saturated fats that clog by making certain reasonably simple decisions , but giving the right directions , was a very different — and in my case — a far harder problem .
9 Are you , it is difficult to cross at Lord 's , er , I mean it is as you say , it 's quite a trek from the er , from whichever dressing room you 're in , down the steps , through the Long Room , there 's always someone coming the wrong direction then .
10 Bees , for instance , have an elaborate communication ritual — the famous ‘ waggle dance ’ — indicating the exact direction in which nectar is to be found .
11 Celebrated couturier , Patrick Lavoix , has recently taken over as world designer for Dior , controlling the global direction for the label .
12 It is relatively easy to prevent computer-generated streams from altering direction through 180° ( the first assumption ) simply by comparing the present direction of flow ( 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 ) with the newly-generated random number .
13 This RIBA survey ( supported by Leverhulme Trust ) , published in 1962 , had an immense influence in determining the future direction of the profession .
14 ‘ We hope our ideas will be a useful starting point for determining the future direction , ’ said Terry .
15 The members of the Chairman 's Committee and the two Executive Committees form the Strategy Group which supports the Chairman 's Committee in determining the future direction of the Company .
16 There are several generically different strategies which can be used as a basis for determining the future direction of a business .
17 Harry was no longer looking at him , but felt sure he had leaned forward across his desk , as if their discussion were only now taking the desired direction .
18 This is expressed in a number of ways such as regional and marketing diversifications , the attraction and risk of moving into new and untested product markets , broadening and changing technological resources and , more radically , changing the fundamental directions and goals of the organization .
19 It is a matter of simply assessing the likely direction and distance the ferret may have travelled within the system to establish a starting point for the search .
20 UI president Peter Cunningham said that in plotting the architectural direction of Unix for the mid 1990s the group will consider a number of object-oriented and microkernel technologies including Amoeba and Mach .
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