Example sentences of "[vb base] led [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Sweden : ( where nuclear power provides 46 per cent of the electricity ) : parliament decides to begin phasing out nuclear power in 1995–6 ( but parliament 's restrictions on new hydro-electric power stations and the imposition of a ceiling on carbon dioxide emissions have led to a retreat from the goal of becoming , in 2010 , the first country to terminate nuclear power generation ) .
2 Such experiences have led to a lack of confidence in the possibility of resolving problems .
3 Initiatives undertaken in response to the widespread dissatisfaction with residential care have led to a general improvement in the quality of services .
4 The evolution of the role of teachers and the view of the social purpose of schools have led to a multiplicity of demands on teachers which are not necessarily compatible and may be contradictory , if not actually mutually exclusive .
5 Some countries , such as Mexico and Chile , have gone through periods of quite radical change , only to be followed by changing political conditions , which have led to a reversal of policy .
6 Although population pressure is the most common attribute of these peasantries and pastoralists , there are many cases where declines in population through outmigration or apocalyptic disasters ( e.g. Latin America during and after the Spanish Conquest , Boserup 1965 : 62–63 ) have led to a coarsening of agricultural technology , a labour-saving cropping pattern , and an allocation of labour which can encourage soil erosion ( e.g. Bunyard 1980 for Palestine ) .
7 Latter attempts to increase foaming activity have led to a sacrifice in disinfectant capabilities which , while normally good , are limited to gram positive organisms .
8 But Saunders ’ somewhat volatile displays have led to a gradual disenchantment .
9 Defence cuts and depressed civilian markets have led to a further 390 job losses at VSEL .
10 The troubles experienced by contractors and developers have led to a new realism ; this improved view now has the benefit of a TV and newspaper marketing programme .
11 The philosophy ( with the arguable exception of the Netherlands ) is not actually practised anywhere in the world , although the concerns that give rise to it have led to a continuing debate in some western industrialized democracies about ways in which the monopolistic nature of the capitalist press might be usefully modified .
12 Modernisation , socio-economic exploitation by money-lenders and landlords , and the loss of previously communally-owned property , such as forests , have led to a collective loss of identity .
13 The extreme scarcity of artists ' materials and a relaxation of restrictions on travel have led to a new exodus of painters , sculptors , and other artists .
14 Attempts to highlight and remove differing forms of sexism , sexual inequalities and discrimination in schools have led to a range of policy statements and strategies from local education authorities and individual schools .
15 Litter problems and a high fire risk have led to a crackdown on wild camping along the route , though camping and bivvying near huts is permitted .
16 The fear is that stretched resources have led to a reduction in places specifically for the most troubled children .
17 First , what ecological factors have led to a more balanced proportion of long- and middle-wave cones in monkeys than in man ?
18 Statistical analyses of sex differences have led to a popular belief that men 's behaviour is dominated by the left hemisphere of the brain ( logical , linear thinking , structured ) and women 's behaviour is more frequently dominated by the right hemisphere ( intuitive , visual , lateral ) .
19 The predominant conventions of the adventure story , the victory of good over evil and the happy ending , have led to a subtle demotion of the genre from the highest ranks of literature on the grounds that its main aim is a contrived entertainment ; for experience suggests , often though not invariably , that the challenge of adventure is more likely to meet with disaster and defeat than survival and triumph .
20 These factors have led to a situation where in the UK , for example , the division between commercial and investment banking has largely been eroded .
21 No , television advertising of beer should be stopped because the regulations surrounding it ( do n't show excessive drinking , do n't associate drinking with social or sexual success , do n't even hint that people might enjoy the sensation of being just a little bit , no , do n't even say the word , drunk ) have led to a series of creative executions that wander around aimlessly avoiding the subject of beer altogether , until the very end when they name it , or maybe not .
22 The difficulties inherent in the ‘ rational ’ approach to public policy-making and administration have led to a renewed interest in ‘ incrementalism ’ in local authorities .
23 Such questions have led to a bewildering muddle .
24 Such obstacles apart , all these facets of ownership policy and incentives to change behaviour , taken together , have led to a ‘ new pragmatism ’ .
25 This view of economic change did not go unchallenged at that time , however ( Kumar , 1978 ) , but the events of the early 1980s have led to a renewal of interest in the post-industrial thesis .
26 These complications have led to a whole variety of views as to the composition of the middle class and its place in the social structure .
27 More recently the rapid increase in the wealth of the Japanese , their greater consumption of diamonds and the fact that they have never been so attached to gold as the peoples of the west have led to a sharp increase in their use of platinum for jewellery .
28 These grants have encouraged changes in hill farming which have led to a loss of semi-natural vegetation , traditional farm woodland and field boundaries , and have been offset by increases in commercial forestry , and cultivated crops and grass .
29 The significant changes initiated in 1976 have led to a reduction in government expenditure .
30 This implies that short selling difficulties have led to a widening of the no-arbitrage band by permitting greater underpricings .
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