Example sentences of "[vb base] somewhere in the " in BNC.

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1 Kubitsky was bringing his rifle to bear on a target which lay somewhere in the direction of the grove of trees on the river bank to Rostov 's rear , but before he could open fire three more arrows took him in the chest and he fell over backwards without a sound .
2 It was startling to discover that a race which was identifiably mutant had laws for the suppression of mutations , and he guessed that the origin of cause and principle alike lay somewhere in the lost time of the isolation of Tarvaras from the Empire .
3 Well , well I think I would , I would rath it I mean i it they 've got the responsibility to whistle blow now , you know , professional they 've got , er you know , they 're they these are professionals and they should , they should whistle blow and I mean Maxwell is a perfect example of how nobody , nobody blew the whistle and if you read through the writs , those lots of these people knew what were what was happening an and the whistle should have been blown and I see no reason why the why the pension regulator is going to get any different , different response and also I mean really these people are being in many cases given by th given information by their clients , you know , and I think it 's a very difficult situation to turn round to , to somebody like Mr Maxwell and say well look I 'm terribly sorry Mr Maxwell , we 're going to report you to the pensions regulator , you know and I think that , that er you will just find that that I just do n't feel that the pension regulator in , in that respect , I mean I , I think that I might like to if Peter suggested a pension fraud squad that , that had a open telephone line and the same sort of er powers as the Serious Fraud Office you know , so that if er anybody in a pension fund could , could ring a number and er and people absolutely descended th that , I mean they ge they say somewhere in the report that the pension regulator is going to have er powers and monies to do spot checks .
4 You want somewhere in the region of about four engineers to each school so work it out yourself , it 's quite a job to actually get the ratio right .
5 He sat with his eyes fixed on great breakers rolling on a coral atoll somewhere in the immense Pacific .
6 Practical theories and theoretized practice meet somewhere in the middle , and it may be more fruitful to see them as a continuum than as a dichotomy .
7 Diseases of joints , muscles and gut lie somewhere in the middle .
8 Set somewhere in the puritanical North Country early this century , it is performed on a stage covered in a lorry-load of Fison 's border compost .
9 If need be , I 'll just drive myself around and then find somewhere in the morning . ’
10 Is there a promotions-and-appointments couch somewhere in the room ?
11 We only know that they live somewhere in the Wokingham area .
12 I exist somewhere in the high wild zone where thrill ends and panic begins , conscious only of the bucking and rolling of the boat .
13 ‘ It means that , since the de Sciorto title dates from the mid-sixteenth century , I come somewhere in the middle of the pecking order , ’ he grinned , his eyes lidded as he moved his gaze down over her defensively folded arms , lingering on the golden swell of her breasts at the button fastening on her T-shirt .
14 Temperature requirements are not too critical either , so long as they fall somewhere in the range of 20–28°C .
15 And we now have somewhere in the region of abo about a hundred and seventy five to a hundred eighty sales consultants throughout the U K.
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