Example sentences of "[vb base] built [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Over the last three years they 've built up a steady following , which is hardly surprising , since their stage show is one of the most acclaimed in local music .
2 ‘ Again , being something so totally new and different , it took a while for people to fall in with it , ’ Shaun explained , ‘ but we 've built up a very strong client base in Doncaster and the district .
3 ‘ We 've built up a great spirit and really enjoy taking part , ’ said Smith .
4 ‘ I 've built up a dossier on his drug and arms deals over the past few years .
5 … Over the last ten years we 've built up a pretty good network .
6 And er over the years we 've built up a reputation I know is is a genuine one say that because I know that you 're going to appreciate this course and I use the term very very particularly you will enjoy it .
7 Whenever the Fedpol think they 've built up a case on one world or another , they find platoons of sharp lawyers appearing , kilocreds are spent , evidence vanishes , witnesses have strange accidents …
8 Through word of mouth and demand from customers , they 've built up a sizable business with five drivers .
9 Since then , in the last seven years , we 've built up a market of 50,000 tonnes of it at good prices , under the name ‘ Andricite ’ — from anhydride and JCI . ’
10 We have built up a great deal of knowledge about the historical side of the palaces but that has not been presented to the public . ’
11 This rule , still in existence while Visa and Mastercard fight a rearguard action with the Office of Fair Trading , prevents banks from processing card transactions until they have built up a large base of card-holders .
12 It is gratifying that the initial residents have built up a very happy family atmosphere , and have expressed their thanks to the Association for providing them with what they now regard as their home .
13 Over the decades film editors have built up a classical ‘ syntax ’ of editing , which circumvents the lack of three dimensions by showing the same scene from various viewpoints , rather in the way an observer will watch a conversation by switching his attention from one speaker to the other .
14 If you have difficult or embarrassing questions to ask — about an unfavourable response to a reference , for example — leave it until the latter part of the interview when you have built up a reasonable rapport with the interviewee .
15 For borrowers who have built up a sizeable stake in their property , she points out that the Cheltenham & Gloucester ( 0452 372372 ) has reversed the usual lender 's practice of offering bigger discounts on larger loans .
16 ‘ I 've had six years experience in this market and have built up a high personal profile among clients , ’ he explains .
17 They copy each other 's institutions ; and , to strengthen their common interests , they have built up a series of common institutions — international unions to govern postal , railway and tele-graphic communication , conferences and conventions to regulate affairs both of property ( such as copyright ) and labour ; international law courts ( at the Hague and elsewhere ) supported by a network of Arbitration and other treaties ; a sort of World-Duma , in the periodical Peace Conferences at the Hague ; and last but not least , the growing international organisation of the Labour and Socialist movements .
18 The domestic minerals industry and the planning authorities have built up a co-operative atmosphere over the years .
19 However , the evaluators are not satisfied that they have built up a picture of library use which permits them to be confident in drawing firm conclusions about the project 's success in these terms .
20 Although he can not escape from the linearity of language ( see 7.2 , 7.5.3 ) , James does the next best thing , which is to fasten our attention initially on the most immediate feature of Pemberton 's predicament : his uncomfortable sense of indecision , and then to expatiate on it so that by the time we have threaded our way through two paragraphs , we have built up a sensitive grasp of the coexisting intricacies and ironies of that predicament ( the ironies will concern us in section C below ) .
21 I have built up a conception in which the agents belonging to a given economic class ( defined at the level of property holding ) may be distributed in various ways into more or less strongly formed social collectivities of various degrees of political pertinence .
22 I have built up a rock structure to the water height in the middle of the tank .
23 We know that people do not drift away from their main sources of financial help , social support and continuing treatment , particularly if they have built up a relationship with someone in the service they trust .
24 These schemes have been designed for the elderly who have built up a significant amount of equity in their homes , but who have no means ( or no desire ) to service a new loan .
25 But since Dunkin 's article appeared , bibliographers have built up a much more realistic picture of work-flow through the 17th-century print shop .
26 AN Asian family who have built up a thriving business in one of Scotland 's jobless blackspots are being kicked out of Britain .
27 ‘ The Millar ’ are to be seen regularly at numerous parades and have built up a reputation of excellent musical ability , together with superb marching talent .
28 Indeed , to the extent that inflationary expectations have built up a momentum of their own that it regards as excessive , the government may be forced to adopt demand management policies which aim to raise the unemployment rate above the natural rate so as to throw the process outlined above into reverse gear .
29 What they do find difficult is filling their day once they have actually come off drugs because they have built up a kind of lifestyle that has already been said
30 In that time they have built up a force of one hundred and fifty vehicles and three hundred and forty staff .
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