Example sentences of "[vb base] changes [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To have used the booklet is associated with more positive attitudes towards its general utility ; teachers who recall it well hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility and flexibility and effectiveness than those who have not ; as might be expected , teachers who associate changes in school with the use of the booklet hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility than those who do not ; teachers in schools in the less prosperous northern part of the borough are less negative with respect to its efficiency .
2 A structured visit from the attached inspector , talking things through as a ‘ critical friend ’ with the head or others , possibly having visited them in their classrooms first , can focus attention on all parts of the School Development Plan and suggest changes of emphasis and ways round emergent problems .
3 I have proposed four simple distributional patterns for both marine and terrestrial animals which involve changes in time .
4 The total sum might give you a shock but will also help you to be more ruthless at the start and put changes into effect .
5 The non-vanishing terms represent the components of a rotation vector ( more properly an anti-symmetric tensor ) and a general deformation consists of terms such as which cause changes of length and which cause rotations .
6 ( EEC amplifiers record changes in potential , but , because they automatically filter out slow changes , are unable to provide information about the actual position of the eyes .
7 Keynesians point to the large sums of money that move around the money market as firms and financial institutions anticipate changes in interest rates .
8 The serried ranks of peas and beans in a Victorian or Edwardian vegetable garden , the more picturesque planting of earlier potagers , where ornamental flowers blend with practical vegetables , fruit trees and bushes , and the formality of a herb garden all indicate changes in horticulture through the ages which were mirrored by the contemporary cookery books .
9 Clearly , there is a difference in scale and dimension between the stage , the television screen and the cinema screen , which demand changes in direction and in acting technique .
10 If we find changes in protein synthesis , say , in a correlative experiment , how can we be sure that such changed synthesis is not the consequence of these expressed behaviours rather than the learning which we presume accompanies them ?
11 In such ways can basic demographic developments , which are normally monitored at national level , promote changes in population distribution through their influence on migration .
12 The free-running ratchet mechanism allow changes of direction to be made with finger and thumb , without releasing the handle .
13 ( 5 ) Because of the interdependence of process and content , the curriculum developments to be favoured are those which synchronise changes in focus with changes in activities and are responsive to the effects of the interplay between them .
14 How do changes in affect the equilibrium ?
15 Code switches or style shifts often ( though not always ) mark changes of persona and hence changes of footing within the conversation .
16 Its special force of percussive tone helps to define musical entries and mark changes of tempo .
17 This is a relatively small proportion , but investment fluctuates more than any other component of national income and these fluctuations generate changes in income through the multiplier .
18 Their results purport to show that , in different time periods and in different countries , changes in the money stock precede changes in money incomes and prices .
19 The choices of those with power to direct organizations and initiate changes in structure are among the determinants of organizational designs ( Child 1973 ) .
20 The Review Panel publicises its criticisms , which are based on departures from accepted accounting standards , and which usually require changes in accounting policies affecting reported results .
21 To a large extent population changes reflect changes in prosperity and employment opportunities .
22 These reflect changes in marriage rates , age at marriage , divorce and child bearing .
23 Without doubt these changes reflect changes in observer activity , but the figures suggest a genuine increase in numbers is also involved .
24 These include changes in government policy realised in the same Housing Act .
25 Reasons for optimism by Mackay Consultants include changes in Government economic policy and the devaluation of sterling after last year 's withdrawal from the exchange rate mechanism .
26 These include changes in ocean chemistry or the microbial mats adapting to the evolution and arrival of a wide range of new types of protistan .
27 Reading your final draft out loud reveals areas that need changes in punctuation and vocabulary .
28 Seismic stratigraphy is a technique whereby seismic waves generated by.small explosions set off at the surface are reflected or refracted from discontinuities in the underlying sediments which represent changes in sediment properties .
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