Example sentences of "[vb base] yet to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 've yet to be convinced of this , I 'm still waiting to find out .
2 Helen tells me you want to do farm work as well , and although I 'm told women vets are just as good as men I 've yet to be convinced .
3 They 've yet to be caught .
4 He might , for those reasons , be an attractive compromise candidate for the job of post-1997 chief executive ; but his abilities as a manager have yet to be underpinned by the more visceral instincts of a committed politician .
5 Some important planks of the policy have yet to be clarified , however .
6 But I have yet to be convinced ( as some publicity suggests ) that the centre of the dance universe is now located in France .
7 The technological details of the 1991 Ligier-Lamborghini V12-powered chassis have yet to be decided .
8 Mr Brown 's requests suggest there were further hidden subsidies which have yet to be disclosed officially .
9 Further reports of deliberate dolphin killings keep coming to light and have yet to be substantiated ; the true story may be even worse .
10 Besides , the causes of some 60% of birth defects have yet to be discovered : it can not be assumed that all of them travel down only the female line .
11 Current proposals for further action have yet to be implemented , including that made by John Major ( as chancellor of the exchequer ) at last September 's Commonwealth meeting of finance ministers .
12 Before the Gulf war , the cartel sanctioned two fare increases , which have yet to be reversed despite the subsequent fall in fuel prices .
13 A few years ago Japanese-Americans were compensated for being interned during the second world war , and some ( mostly white ) people have begun to point out that blacks have yet to be compensated for centuries of slavery .
14 By attempting to imitate a human cognitive process , however , we are straying into the notoriously difficult sub-discipline of computer science known as artificial intelligence , and anyone working in this field would agree that many of its problems have yet to be solved .
15 An agreement in principle to sell the building to its bankers has been reached , but disagreements among the banks have yet to be sorted out as well as finalising a support package from the Canadian government .
16 The basic structures of several pavilions have yet to be completed and the biggest universal exposition ever mounted still bears more than a passing resemblance to a building site — albeit a very colourful one .
17 However , these aspirations have yet to be fulfilled .
18 These other features of the model have yet to be fully developed and experimental evidence that might allow us to evaluate them is sparse .
19 The main application is for the disinfection of process water but economic and performance advantages over chlorine have yet to be fully demonstrated .
20 The final date and venues have yet to be set .
21 The water boards are always prepared to discuss pressure and purity , but whether they will do anything about it is another matter , and the effects of privatisation have yet to be seen .
22 The full effects of the new language-teaching have yet to be felt .
23 But I have yet to be convinced of the need that these should be taken at two particular times in a student 's school career .
24 Unfortunately , the Government still continue to repeat the view that it would be neither ‘ practical or beneficial ’ to introduce age discrimination legislation , and the majority of these recommendations have yet to be implemented , notably those relating to a bi-annual report , increasing the earnings disregard and improving employment training for the over-50s .
25 The questions which Atkinson posed have yet to be addressed .
26 This is a welcome and long overdue development but at the time of writing the detailed regulations bringing it into force have yet to be published .
27 Finally , they are incomplete in that , even on the pilot sites , many issues have yet to be addressed .
28 The northern flanks of the London-Brabant Massif contain hydrocarbon potential in Palaeozoic reservoirs that have yet to be tested .
29 Suitable source rocks , the remaining essential ingredient for a petroleum prospect , are expected but have yet to be proved .
30 In the context of user education in schools , however , where there is still some substantial funding and many of the projects have yet to be finally and fully reported , the impact will probably be somewhat different ; although because of the slowness of the dissemination process it is too early to say how much and in what way .
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