Example sentences of "[vb base] to see [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You tend to see individual intervention .
2 The ‘ society-as-parent ’ protagonists , on the other hand , tend to see parental rights as a force still to be reckoned with in law , agency practice and social attitudes .
3 At present employers tend to see joint degrees as second class .
4 Thirdly , they tend to see human behaviour as shaped by the system .
5 Psychologists tend to focus on behaviour as the expression of certain psychological propensities while sociologists tend to see human behaviour as shaped in its course by the social context of human life .
6 Naturally those anthropologists who grant culture such imperative force tend to see social relations as the product of cultural patterning and conditioning , and thus tend to concentrate on child-rearing practices , enculturation , and socialization .
7 They want to see financial pressure applied , to ensure South Africa can not roll over its debt or raise new capital .
8 They 're young , and they want to see new countries and new towns and new people .
9 They both want to see narrow bends built into straight roads as a far more effective means of slowing traffic .
10 I want to see elderly people looked after well and if they can be looked after at home all well and good but of course they need the facilities .
11 ‘ They want to see economic development in the local area for them ’ .
12 According to Price Waterhouse , integrating business objectives with information technology is seen as the number one business problem , and organisations increasingly want to see tangible benefits from their investment in technology .
13 Of course you want to see increased road safety , we 're all concerned about it as residents and parents but just throw in one million pounds at it without knowing the effectiveness of it , I think is irresponsible at this stage .
14 It is precisely because I want to see political changes of this kind that I support Home Rule for Scotland .
15 We want to see Grand Met send someone to Darlington to a meeting which would include all the licensees affected by the rent rises and the new leases . ’
16 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
17 If you want to see dazzling feats of mountaineering , with animals leaping from ledge to ledge across gaping chasms , then look to the chamois .
18 Some propose that social behaviour is caused by external social forces while others , such as the symbolic interactionists or the ethnomethodologists , want to see social behaviour as actions mutually created and sustained by parties to social arrangements .
19 We want to see full progress with the single market as the priority programme for the European Community .
20 ‘ There 's a world market of over £100 million a year in clean technology and I want to see British industry winning a much larger share of it . ’
21 I do not believe the vast majority of people want to see British industry sold abroad for jam today .
22 Like Opposition Members , we want to see British Coal secure as much of that market as possible .
23 Small producers appear to see inferior bargaining strength as the price they have to pay for some continuity in orders .
24 Allowing for intersubject variability , one night still expect to see marked changes in the histology of the small bowel after infusion of 100 mg of pure peptide .
25 I wait to see conclusive proof that it is possible in physical and geographical terms to bring the lines from Stratford into the proposed station at King 's Cross without making any changes whatever to the Bill .
26 And of the three of us who knew there was to be a young man on his way down to us by that path during the evening , how many have already made the leap forward to give this nameless victim a name , and begin to see certain reasons why it might be expedient for some if he never reached us ?
27 Much the same thing occurs in New Statesman & Society , but there is a significant shift here in that we begin to see cultural products ( or rather questions raised by them ) being discussed outside of the journal 's cultural space — in the editorials and in guest journalists ' comments .
28 If you have players who are obsessed with mapping detail , they will have a very tough time inside the Castle , but in describing the outside of it , when their characters seem to see slight differences each time they look at the buildings , add the disorientating detail that the characters can not remember exactly what the Castle looked like at any time prior to the present moment .
29 Often , too , they seem to see social influences as qualifying and controlling a biologically given potential .
30 ‘ Did you by any chance get to see New Canaan , Connecticut , between March 1 and April 14 last year ?
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