Example sentences of "[vb base] together in [art] " in BNC.

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1 They sit together in a non-smoking section .
2 However , they all sit together in the same circular chamber which has various doors marked ‘ Clergy Ayes ’ or ‘ Laity Noes ’ through which the members of the Synod troop to vote in the way MPs trudge through their voting lobbies .
3 Cutely , the two band names sit together in the Guinness Book Of British Hit Singles .
4 We sit together in the wooden booth .
5 The fact that the song and the receptor change together in the hybrids suggests that there is some control mechanism which prevents the two from becoming uncoupled from each other ; such a mechanism would have the effect of making it more likely that , whenever a male or female cricket changed its song or song-preference during evolution , some other individual of the other sex will have made the complementary change .
6 They lay together in the same blue-white room , though this time their lovemaking had been gentler and more familiar , as warmth and exploration of each other 's bodies and hearts had succeeded the glorious frenzy of their first coupling .
7 They lay together in the gathering darkness , holding each other , neither making any attempt to speak their hurt and their loss but both knowing it was there , buried deep within them .
8 Einstein was driven to this idea not so much by the experimental results as by the desire to make two parts of the theory fit together in a consistent whole .
9 Its interconnecting parts — the mechanised looms , the steam-operated factories , the driven conveyor belts — fit together in an ever-increasing and complicated system of cogs and wheels .
10 All outputs along the same channel always appear together in the minimal acceptances because we assume that the environment , like occam processes , does not have the power of selective input on a channel .
11 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
12 Also , both operating expenditure and the operating consequences of capital expenditure appear together in the funds .
13 Indeed , only when the drag queen in sparkly dress and football boots and the rent boy in underwear actually appear together in the final scene does the plot get some impetus .
14 Put cleaners and bleach together in a cupboard with a child safety catch .
15 They interact together in a continuous , incredibly complex and unpredictable process .
16 The authors conclude that it is more likely that many other factors should also be included in the analysis such as motivation , nicotine dependence , personality type , self-efficacy , therapeutic support , etc , which act together in a complex way and would substantially increase the explained variance of smoking cessation .
17 It 's a like er using the same components but put together in a different way .
18 The answer you gave to the question may have been brilliant and put together in a language marked by brevity and clarity .
19 Mass production dates from the time of Henry Ford , who was the first man to adopt the principle of the production line , when he used this approach to produce a restricted range of motor cars put together in a flow-line process .
20 And many of us , I dare say , have tacitly ( perhaps wistfully ) consigned Ruskin 's views to the ash-can of history , along with other Utopian systems put together in the nineteenth century which the desolate history of our own century has made no longer tenable .
21 Where Buxton 's second-round score , put together in the worst of the weather , was an 81 , McKay had another 80 in which she was left kicking herself for having chipped through the green at the 295-yard 14th on her way to a six .
22 ‘ She has worked harder than all the others put together in the past few years .
23 Put together in the style of a documentary , the movie shadows Roberts on the campaign trail , showing us how shrewd media manipulation , slick presentation , and an appeal to the electorate 's baser instincts can undermine democracy .
24 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
25 Two women , Vincent 's mother and a younger woman , walk together in a garden , so close as to be almost overlapping .
26 There are two basic systems of drains ; the ‘ separate ’ system whereby foul waste water is kept entirely separate from rainwater , and the combined system where they run together in the same pipe .
27 or stand together in a rising mist
28 By allowing unmediated access to a character 's mind the narrator constructs a close bond between reader and character based upon shared information and perspective , while at other times witholding the reader from that mind so that narrator and reader stand together in a position of judgemental distance .
29 Alternatively , whisk together in a bowl .
30 Such writings hang together in a remarkable way , and one is left with a definite feeling that they are describing a real energy with specific and consistent characteristics .
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