Example sentences of "[vb base] use the term " in BNC.

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1 Plenty of objects are many-parted and heterogeneous in internal structure , without being complex in the sense in which I want to use the term .
2 Discourse analysts are rather vague about what they mean by ‘ conversation ’ too , and some seem to use the term to describe any kind of oral interaction .
3 It is when that figure falls below one-quarter that people begin to use the term ‘ modular ’ , ‘ unit-credit ’ , or its colloquial equivalents such as building-block , cafeteria , pick n'mix ( or worse ) .
4 Much as I loathe using the term ‘ chops ’ , you possess them in abundance .
5 Now many people prefer to use the term ‘ HIV disease ’ when a person with HIV has any illness , because this avoids the impression of a ‘ hierarchy of illness ’ or inevitable decline .
6 To distinguish this from the actor 's concern to communicate to non-participants , we have used the term ‘ presentation ’ .
7 Part of the reason I have used the term ‘ survival machine ’ is that ‘ animal ’ would have left out plants and , in some people 's minds , humans .
8 Although I have used the term ‘ garments ’ here , you are of course free to design anything you like in the ORIGINAL shaping section if you have the knowledge to be able to do so .
9 We have used the term ‘ vernacular ’ in a different way : for us it is a ‘ primitive ’ term roughly synonymous with ‘ real language in use ’ , and it is interpreted on a continuum of relative closeness to , or distance from , the idealized norm , or ( in some cases ) the idealized standard language .
10 The answer must be that , in the sense in which we have used the term ‘ competition ’ ( a sense which , although sharply divergent from the terminology of the dominant theory of price , is entirely consistent with everyday business usage ) , the market process is indeed always competitive , so long as there is freedom to buy and sell in the market .
11 It is not , however , a property in the same sense as we have used the term up to this point , since it is a second-order property ; that is , it is a property of the other two relations that we have sketched so far ( and only of these ) .
12 Leo would not have fitted in with Leeds but Ronny might be the defender we want ( in some papers they have used the term midfielder on him — he — really — very flexible )
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