Example sentences of "[vb base] a hard [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have always thought that league results are what matter most to Motherwell and I expect a harder game than were given that day . ’
2 Install a hard drive instead of one of the floppies — the advantage of this is that it is the least expensive but the major disadvantage is my complete lack of technical knowledge and the need to purchase and install the controller which I understand my machine does not have .
3 Install a hard disk card — the advantage of this is the apparent ease of installation , also it is completely additional and leaves the two existing floppy drives , again the disadvantages are cost and potential damage which I could cause installing it .
4 Also , it is much harder to train the back muscles and receive a hard pump .
5 Watch a hard porn film 28%
6 Read a hard porn magazine 21%
7 Read a hard porn magazine 19%
8 The tourists anticipate a harder time than recent evidence in Welsh and Irish rugby might have suggested to them .
9 ‘ If we give a hard message it 's based on a good knowledge of their world .
10 For example , a judge who acquires a reputation among his seniors for being ‘ soft ’ in certain types of cases where the Lord Chancellor , the Lord Chief Justice , the Master of the Rolls and other senior judges favour a hard line is as likely to damage his promotion prospects as he would if his appointment were found to be unfortunate on other more obvious grounds .
11 ‘ You drive a hard bargain , but I 'll go along with that . ’
12 But does their mother think they get a hard time at school from the locals ?
13 Delete the ordinary hyphen in ‘ Templeton-Brown ’ and insert a hard hyphen
14 ‘ They are a people who ask for little but who are enormously and genuinely grateful for any help ’ , wrote one official who witnessed a terrible drought in Masailand in the early 1960s : ‘ They live a hard life uncomplainingly . ’
15 I just play a hard game of hustle and bustle . ’
16 ‘ You 've a hard court , then ? ’ asked Breeze , wondering at his exuberance .
17 The latter allows both parties a chance to stand back from the daily routine and take a harder look at overall performance .
18 But when money starts to change hands , they take a harder line .
19 ‘ Chayzuz , Gould , you take a hard line , man , so ye dae , ’ I say , trying to lighten things up but sounding pretty pathetic even to myself .
20 Julius murmured softly in satisfaction and his body pressed still closer , demanding more now , desire a hard ache that was threatening to run out of control .
21 Developing countries have a harder problem ; they need a huge increase in prosperity , which could produce a corresponding growth in greenhouse gas emissions .
22 Where Essex man is concerned , Tories have a harder choice .
23 Despite the disparaging views of some policemen , these women have a harder job than any of the ‘ Action Men ’ in the riot police units .
24 ‘ Women have a harder time than men .
25 At either end of the beach , where the sea beats directly on the face of the cliffs , the crabs have a harder time of it .
26 It has erect leaves , usually unspotted , which form a hood at the tip and are keeled — that is they have a hard ridge running along the centre of the underside .
27 And you have a hard metal sliding against a soft metal , because that actually produces less wear than two hard metals rubbing together .
28 ‘ I have a hard head . ’
29 They have a hard row to hoe .
30 Arrogant delusions dispelled by the All Blacks and Wallabies , South Africa have a hard row to hoe to get back to the top .
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